
This SPACE PHOTO Has A Fox Fur, A Christmas Tree, And More.

The human mind is wonderful in its capacity for seeing familiar objects in the unfamiliar. NASA all claims we should be seeing a Christmas tree and a fox fur or some shit in this photo, but all I’m seeing is a vagina. Yes, a vagina. I’m sorry. I apologize. I see it. It glares at me.

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Video: Meet ECCEROBOT, The Humanoid Robot With Muscles And Tendons. Cylons Nod.

All of this has happened before, and there’s a good fucking chance it’ll happen again. Thank you, Matrix, Mass Effect, and Battlestar Galactica  for teaching me that. We’re not building robots with muscles and tendons. Jesus Christ, what are we doing.

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These NANOSTARS Kill Cancer Without Ever Entering Cell. Yeah, Science!

Nanomachines! They’re coming to give me telekinesis, immortal life, and an enormous, enormous johnson. Think I’m full of shit, that the nano-revolution isn’t coming? Tell that to the fucking nanostars!

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FECES TRANSPLANT From Cousin May Save Dude’s Life.

I didn’t know that feces transplants existed outside of a select genre of pornography, but now I am all the wiser. They certainly do, and this knowledge may put a more…favorable light on what is going on in all those German dungeons.

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Scientists Can Make Solar Cells Thinner Than Spider Silk? Well Done.

Behold some glory-be futurism nonsense right here. Scientists have made solar cells that are thin like woah, and can be wrapped around human hair. Human hair, folks.

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This WOOLLY MAMMOTH Is One Of The Most Well Preserved Ever Found.

At first blush, I thought this was a hoax. Turns out, it’s just goddamn radical. Researchers have encountered an impressively preserved wooly mammoth, with features such as hair and foot pads still in fact. Bless you, ice! Bless you.

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Centaurus A Is Closest ACTIVE GALAXY. Also: Awesome

Zounds! She’s resounding. Check out  Centaurus A, the closest active galaxy to us. It’s pretty close, too. 11 million light-years. Gather that fucker E.T. into a magical bicycle and I’ll be right there behind you.

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On Venus Our Voices Would Sound Like “BASS SMURFS”, Awesome.

Here’s a tidbit upside your head. Professor Tim Leighton and a crack squad at  the University of Southampton have calculated what we would sound like on different planets. Provided, you know, we could speak on them. What they’ve found is that humans’ voices would be so alien to us that we’d look  physically different.

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Ancient SOUND WAVES Sculpted Galaxy Formation. That’s Rockin’ Hard, Yo.

Galactic formation back in the day is the result of sound waves. Sound waves! What the fuck. Now there’s something I hadn’t thought of when it came to how the Universe formed. However, usually when I think about the Universe forming I end up picturing (invariably) the Multiverse and then I’m onto imagining myself in present day riding a T. Rex with Jesus to the Drive Thru at Taco Bell.

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The Most Sensitive Scale Can Weigh INDIVIDUAL PROTONS. My Fat Ass Would Break It.

How much does a proton weigh? Like five or six pounds, right? I’m kidding! I can’t remember high school but I can totally remember they’re like light. Maybe even really  light. Well now thanks to science we have a goddamn scale that can weigh them.

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