
Tiny Human Liver Grown Inside MOUSE’S HEAD. Progress Is Odd.

We have grown a fucking liver inside a mouse’s head. Vaulting with reckless abandon over scientific rubicons.

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Humanity Weighs In At 287 Million Tonnes…But We Carry It Well!

How is this for a curious use of calculating abilities. Biologists have used their wizardry to calculate how much humanity weighs. The findings are being used to figure out our fat-footed impact on good old Earth.

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Scientists Start Growth Of Human Eye Using Stem Cells. Yeah, Science!

Whenever I hear about advancements in the world of treating human eyes, I get particularly stoked. My Nana is way rocked by ocular degeneration, and while she won’t be able to receive whatever comes out of this breakthrough, I still find it particular ballin’.

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Breast Milk Seems To Kill HIV; Fetishes Suddenly Justified

Breast milk. Now I’m most familiar with it through late night fetish videos and silently cursing myself and my predilections. Now however, I can know it as a possible…cure for HIV. Wut?

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Scientists Create SYNTHETIC SYNAPSE; The Rubicon Has Been Shit On.

There’s been a breakthrough in the development of synthetic synapses, and it’s a goddamn privilege that I even get to type that sentence. We’re flying head first into the future, folks. What is even more impressive is that soon that head is going to be cyber-nano-non-organic.

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A VIRUS That Creates ELECTRICITY? Oh, You Scientists, You.

A virus that creates electricity. Just think about that shit in your brain-stem for a moment, augmenting it with this further thought. It’s real. It’s really real. Welcome to the future where the computer you’re watching furry-snuff porn on is powered by virii generating  electricity  from the thumping of your stroke hand.

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Scientists Turn Mouse’s Genes Off And On With RADIO WAVES. Oh Science, You.

Nanoparticles. Radio waves. Gene manipulation. Actual science. Feels a lot like the future, man.

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BIONIC EYE Expected To Help Blind See By 2014. YEAH, SCIENCE.

Ah, this is some wonderful post-humanism shit right here. I don’t know why we aren’t vat growing organs and appendages yet (I’m sure there are good reasons, I just don’t want to know them), but this is equally outstanding. Bionic eye time! Cyeah!

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Marine Biologist Attaches LASER To A Shark’s Head. The End Times Are Upon Us.

Hey, let’s give robots intelligence. Hey, let’s slap a laser onto the dome of a shark. Day by day, we’re inviting the apocalypse.

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Scientists Have Found A Way to Regenerate Muscle Tissue After Heart Attack. Hee-Yay!

I’m one bad Diet Dew binge away from snapping and popping in my heart-piece. I know this. Just one bad day. So the news that scientists have found a way to generate muscle tissue after my inevitable collapse is fantastic.

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