Tiny Human Liver Grown Inside MOUSE’S HEAD. Progress Is Odd.
We have grown a fucking liver inside a mouse’s head. Vaulting with reckless abandon over scientific rubicons.
Humanity Weighs In At 287 Million Tonnes…But We Carry It Well!
How is this for a curious use of calculating abilities. Biologists have used their wizardry to calculate how much humanity weighs. The findings are being used to figure out our fat-footed impact on good old Earth.
Scientists Start Growth Of Human Eye Using Stem Cells. Yeah, Science!
Whenever I hear about advancements in the world of treating human eyes, I get particularly stoked. My Nana is way rocked by ocular degeneration, and while she won’t be able to receive whatever comes out of this breakthrough, I still find it particular ballin’.
Breast Milk Seems To Kill HIV; Fetishes Suddenly Justified
Breast milk. Now I’m most familiar with it through late night fetish videos and silently cursing myself and my predilections. Now however, I can know it as a possible…cure for HIV. Wut?
Scientists Create SYNTHETIC SYNAPSE; The Rubicon Has Been Shit On.
There’s been a breakthrough in the development of synthetic synapses, and it’s a goddamn privilege that I even get to type that sentence. We’re flying head first into the future, folks. What is even more impressive is that soon that head is going to be cyber-nano-non-organic.
A VIRUS That Creates ELECTRICITY? Oh, You Scientists, You.
A virus that creates electricity. Just think about that shit in your brain-stem for a moment, augmenting it with this further thought. It’s real. It’s really real. Welcome to the future where the computer you’re watching furry-snuff porn on is powered by virii generating electricity from the thumping of your stroke hand.
Scientists Turn Mouse’s Genes Off And On With RADIO WAVES. Oh Science, You.
Nanoparticles. Radio waves. Gene manipulation. Actual science. Feels a lot like the future, man.
BIONIC EYE Expected To Help Blind See By 2014. YEAH, SCIENCE.
Ah, this is some wonderful post-humanism shit right here. I don’t know why we aren’t vat growing organs and appendages yet (I’m sure there are good reasons, I just don’t want to know them), but this is equally outstanding. Bionic eye time! Cyeah!
Marine Biologist Attaches LASER To A Shark’s Head. The End Times Are Upon Us.
Hey, let’s give robots intelligence. Hey, let’s slap a laser onto the dome of a shark. Day by day, we’re inviting the apocalypse.
Scientists Have Found A Way to Regenerate Muscle Tissue After Heart Attack. Hee-Yay!
I’m one bad Diet Dew binge away from snapping and popping in my heart-piece. I know this. Just one bad day. So the news that scientists have found a way to generate muscle tissue after my inevitable collapse is fantastic.