
Doctors Create Artificial Heart That Doesn’t Beat. It Also Works.

Welcome to the fucking future. Where we eat shit-steaks and we have outstanding artificial hearts that keep us alive, sans-pulse. Whirling glories of devices that apparently actually work. Amazing.

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Japanese Scientists Synthesize Steak From Feces. No, Really.

This is a bit late, but we swagger during the weekends here at OL. Japanese scientists have  synthesized  steak out of shit. Yeah, shit. Not

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Mercury Goes Wunder-Rainbow In New Picture.

Enlarge. | Via.

One of the dopest things going on in the Space-Wunder-Cosmos is the use of our various means of photography to snag pictures of celestial beasts. MESSENGER has made 100 orbits around Mercury, snapping all sorts of picture. None of them are as colorful and snazzy-a-riffic as this latest one.

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Centaurus A Is A Sexy Ball of Dust!

Enlarge. |  Via.

Alright, so it’s actually an elliptical galaxy. Whatever its shape,  Centaurus A is suffering and it’s making it all the prettier. After recently colliding with another galaxy, it’s been absorbing all sorts of gorgeous galactic debris, giving it the look it now has.

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Check Out The Suicide Plunge Of A Comet Into The Sun. Cowards Way!

NASA’s SOHO satellite caught a gorgeous video of a comet’s suicide plunge into the Sun. No comet, no! There’s beauties worth living for in this universe. Especially for a lucky little thing like you, non-sentient but blessed with being able to zip around space.
Hit the jump for the video.

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New Class Of Supernova Discovered. Space Swoon!

There’s been a new class of supernova discovered. These sexy new entries into the  catalog  of Man’s Knowledge live-longer and burn brighter than the previously known novae. Resisting Energizer Bunny Joke.

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Lots of Planets May Have Big Moons Just Like Earth’s.

The Moon is awesome. The idea that it is a hovering reminder of an insane collision billions of years ago is rad beyond measure. What I didn’t know until today is that the Moon is a relatively big son of a bitch. See, while it isn’t enormous unto itself, the relative size of the Moon in comparison to Earth was thought to make it special. Not anymore though. Apparently lots of planets may have relatively large moons of their own. Sorry Luna, I still love you.

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Two Videos Of An Enormous Explosion On The Sun Today. Existence Is Fun.

The Sun unleashed an enormous explosion today, and it’s one that has to get you staggered a bit with existential glee. Seeing the engine of our existence roar in its cosmic fury gets me a bit tingly. Jump inside for videos and Phil Plait breaking them down gloriously as usual.

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Wandering Jupiter Responsible For Mars’ Small Size.

Mars isn’t as big as Earth, not by a longshot. It clocks in at 1/10th the mass, and 1/2 the size. Why is that? Did Mars not use protein shakes after powerlifting? Intergalactic anorexia? Some other poor joke? No sir. It’s because it had to contend with a roaming Jupiter back in the day.

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Cassini’s Saturn Pictures Turned Into Gorgeous Video.

The spacecraft Cassini has been rocking around Saturn for seven years, taking thousands of pictures and making geeks like me swoon. Apparent fellow geek and talented videographer  Chris Abbas took all the images and make a video out of it, set to some fittingly haunting Nine Inch Nails.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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