The Leo Triplet Is Three Galaxies Hangin’ Out Close To One Another, Being Gorgeous.
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The Leo Triplet is a group of three galaxies just hangin’ out, being all gorgeous together. The galaxies which are similar to our own Milky Way goodness are located 35 million light years away, and they hold the record for cosmic relay. Or something.
Planetary Nebula Kn 61 Looks Like A Cosmic Soap Bubble.
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Check out Kn 61. It’s a planetary nebula that looks like those soap bubbles you can blow with those magical wands they sell at convenience stores and the like. Perhaps the Omnidimensional Creator had a son or daughter who was bored and it gave them the most enormous of soap bubble matter spewing wands. And thus Kronberger 61 was born. Or maybe it’s the remnants of gas that was sent into space by a dying star. I think I like my explanation more.
One Black Hole Contains 140 Trillion Times the Water On Earth. What A Hog.
There’s a black hole out there a mere 12 billion light-years away that contains 140 trillion times the water on Earth. Son of a bitch is hogging all those resources and here we are feeling guilty for peeing in the ocean and running our showers too long. Greedy piece of space shit.
See NASA’s MESSENGER Bid Earth Adieu.
NASA’s MESSENGER is their mission to study the surface of Mercury. However back in 2005 as it hurtled away from good old planet Earth, it took a series of photographs. Intrepid researchers have since then stitched those photographs together to make a rather pretty farewell video.
The Moon Goes Rainbow In Sexy Surface Study.
You may think that the Moon is some boring ass rock lingering above us. Threatening to smash us down like innocent whelps as though we were living in Majora’s Mask. You’d be wrong! There’s a lot of shenanigans populating the Moon’s surface. This colorized NASA image shows the differences in surface composition.
Hubble Celebrates Neptune’s First Birthday.
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We’re all celebrating Neptune’s first birthday here on Earth. You know, since we discovered it. We have that habit, us humans. Deciding that when we find something that’s existed that it’s some sort of achievement. Anyways, to celebrate Neptune’s first birf-day, Hubble dropped some pictures to celebrate.
Today Is The First Anniversary Of Discovering Neptune! In Neptune Years.
Happy birthday! Or something. Today marks the first anniversary of us intrepid human beings discovering Neptune. First anniversary…in Neptune years.
The Triangulum Galaxy Is A Faint Cosmic Swoon!
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The Triangulum Galaxy is the second-closet spiral galaxy to our own, and yet we can barely see the son of a gun. What’s the reasoning behind that? Our boy (or gal!) the Triangulum Galaxy is small, only half the size of our own Milky Way. Due to that, its light is faint, and gets washed out in the night sky.
Space Shuttle Atlantis Takes Off For The Final Time. Sadness Time.
Today the Space Shuttle Atlantis broke through the sky for the final time. Taking with it the hopes and dreams of millions of space-loving dorks like myself. Silently wondering just when the fuck we’re going to get up there again, take exploring the Universe seriously once more.
Watch A Comet Streak Across The Sun’s Surface. A Glorious Burning Death.
NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory caught a comet locked into a path across the Sun’s surface on July 5 or 6 of this year. It’s a glorious descent into death, providing us entertainment whilst it surely screamed to itself in pure horror. Right?
Hit the jump to check it out.