
VIDEO: MIT Invents Radar That Can See Through Walls. Science ++

No longer am I secure jacking it behind the walls in the metro, no sir. MIT is on the case. They’re inventing radar that can peer through cinder into the dark underbelly of my public masturbations. Or something.

Hit the jump to see it in motion.

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Sad Failed Star Is The Coldest Object Every Photographed. Like, Really Cold.

I can’t blame you if you associate stars with burning hot churning pinnacles of oblivion. However, sometimes they’re fucking cold. Like really cold.  WD 0806-661 B is a brown star that may be colder than the human body.

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Solar Storm Ejaculates Plasma Blast Larger Than Earth. G’damn.

(Click image to enlarge.)

The Sun is one petulant sumbitch these days. There’s storms afoot and the such and so forth. Yeah, I’m rambling. Anyways, there was recently a plasma burst that was bigger than the Earth. This is both amazing and not surprising.

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Video: ‘Alpha’ Is Prototype Robotic Dog. The Robopocalypse Has A Hound of Hell.

This is Alpha, the creation of Boston Dynamics. Alpha is being designed in tandem with DARPA (Metal Gear?!) and the US Marines. While it is being imagined as carrying shit for our troops, it’s obvious what it’s going to be: the hound of hell deployed by the Robots during the Uprising to hunt us down and eat us.

Watch this bastard in action.

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Video: 29 Year-Old Deaf Woman Hears Herself For The First Time. Oh Science. <3

Pretty rad video of a 29 year-old woman hearing herself for the first time after receiving a hearing implant. Progress is real, and sometimes the world shines a bit.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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Scientists Reconstruct Thoughts Into Digital Video. F**king Amazing.

UC Berkeley scientists have reconstructed thoughts into digital video. While (obviously) not a 100% match, the fact that they’re reconstructing thoughts into reasonable facsimiles is exciting and terrifying. Thought police! Want to see a video of it?

Of course you do.

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Asteroid ‘Vesta’ Has Itself A Lumpy Ass. Space Shame.

(Click to enlarge. Via: Vesta’s odd bottom)

Vesta is an asteroid  300 miles wide. According to Phil Plait, that means the son of a gun should be crushed into sphere. Yet, it isn’t.

Why is that?

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Glow-In-The-Dark Cat Is Spliced With Jellyfish Genes, May Hold Cure To AIDS. The Future.

Welcome to the future. Everything isn’t beautiful, and shit definitely hurts. But we can pull off some truly tremendous shit. Case in point: glow-in-the-dark-cats that come from kitties being spliced with jelly fish genes. That may hold the cure to AIDS.

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Video: Meteor Over Georgia Is Flaming Rock of Awesome.

On August 28 there was a pretty righteous meteor rocketing across the night sky in Georgia. It was like Deep Impact except not cataclysmic. Just rad.

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New Technology: Box Keeps A *Heart Beating* Without A Body On Way To A Transplant.

No more fucking ice and prayers and other medieval shit when transporting hearts. Not if ULCA’s heart-lung transport team have their way. They’ve invented a box that keeps the heart pumping outside the body. This is the sort of wizardy science fiction bullshit that makes me so stoked to be alive in the time period I am. That and toilets.

Hit the jump for more details.

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