
Video: The World’s First Footage Of A Female’s Brain During An Orgasm.

It’s hard to talk about this video without coming off like some pig-man-child. I am one, so the guilt is lathered doubly thick. However, science has captured a female’s brain activity during an orgasm, and I am certain once more than progress is real.

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Breast Milk Stem Cells To Save The Day. No, Srsly.

breast milk you make my day

How do we get around all those nasty ethical hang-ups (for some) surrounding stem cells? How about breast milk. That’s right, breast milk.

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Lasers Can Turn Your Brown Eyes Blue. Science! The Future!

Welcome to the Future, where lasers can change those boring brown eyes of yours into gorgeous blue oceans of sass. Or something.

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Researches Get Blood Proteins Out Of Rice. Rice, People.

Welcome to the future. The Future isn’t a shiny place, replete with worldwide equality and crazy things like attempts at peace and providing all children with healthcare. But we can do some sweet stuff. Like grow blood proteins in rice.

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Lung Regeneration Getting Closer To Being Reality. Smoke Up!

Smoking is fun. It makes you smell great, your teeth shine, and your cool factor goes off the chart. The only problem is that it does a fucking number on your lungs. Soon those of us who suffer from lung ailments either from being super awesome and smoking  or from other maladies may be in luck. Lung regeneration? Go!

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Artificial Blood Made From Bone Marrow Stem Cells? Science: Awesome.

Researches are working on a technique that could created artificial red blood cells from bone marrow stem cells. This is a good thing, because the Forthcoming Vampire Robot Economic Apocalypse will demand that we have food for the vampires, blood to sell, and spare juice for the wounded body parts.

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IBM Could Have Fully Working Human Brain Made Out Of Electronics By 2019.

Humanity seems dead-set on forcing its own obsolescence. Hey let’s just created flesh-covered robots! Hey let’s just give machines sentience and get them to think for themselves! The latest: hey, let’s create a human brain out of electronics and then laugh at ourselves. Puffy fleshy meat cages!

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Young Suns Looking Flossy In Pretty Space Shot.


Enlarge. | Via.

Check out these young suns lighting up a sexy cosmic sky. Not too shabby being a young, couple-million-years-old star hanging out in the cosmos. Lookin’ fly, being hot.

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We May Have Found An Earthlike Exoplanet. No Seriously. This Time Frreals.

Enlarge. | Via.

It used to be pretty fucking fantastic when we would “find” an “Earthlike” exoplanet. These days they seem to come in droves. Yawn! Ho-hum! Whatevs. However the concept of “Earthlike” is pretty fucking rubbery. However  HD 85512b may totally be “Earthlike” in a somewhat sensical way.

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Space Lasers To Destroy Orbital Debris? Future Rules!

Let’s ignore the fact that us Bovine people of the Earth have managed to actually begin cluttering up fucking space  with bullshit. Christ almighty. Instead let’s dwell on the awesomeness that is the potential for space lasers to blow this space crap to smithereens. Sort of. Kinda.

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