
Scientists Say ‘Matrix’ Style Learning Could Be Coming. Teachers Wince.

Remember that time in The Matrix where Neo totally learned kung fu in like ten seconds? That shit apparently isn’t so outlandish according to some scientists. The only drawback is the same sort of chicanery could be used for, you know, mind control and the ish.

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First Millisecond Of A Nuclear Explosion Is The Becoming of Death.

The first millisecond after a nuclear explosion. An imperceptible moment, a horrifying glance into the first wave of annihilation. It’s pretty terrifying. Pretty. Terrifying.

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Kinect Helps Two High School Kids Win $100,000 National Science Prize. Swag.

The Kinect. I’ll let you in on a secret. I cracked, gave into curiosity, and asked for one for Christmas. Call it the Child of Eden  effect. Whatever you feel about it as Gaming’s Future, its technology has been leveraged into some dope things. The most recent? A national science prize for two high schoolers.

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‘Breaking Bad’ Happens In Real Life. Oh, Reality <3

Listen man, the economy is in the dumps. Gotta make the cheddar anyway you can. So a professor of mathematics in my home state went full Breaking Bad  on this Bitch.

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Ancestor Of All Life On Earth Was Planetary Super-Organism? Dork Squee!

News specifically designed to manipulate my Science Dork G-Spot is this idea  put forth by researches at University of  Illinois. Even while it’s probably doomed to being disproved let us speculate and moan.

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Human Stem Cells Transplanted Into Mouse Brains. What Are We Doing?!

A trans-species transplant of brain matter? What could go wrong? How about everything. In the name of science, we continue charging into the chasm of our eventual doom.

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Engineers Have Created LED Display You Wear Like Contact Lens. Future. Welcome.

One of the many things future soothsayer hero of mine Warren Ellis predicted in Doktor Sleepless  (though perhaps other have before him, but I love the fucker) were contact lenses that augmented the fuck out of your reality. They’re coming. Humanity, prepare to be altered.

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Fetus Donates Stem Cells To Heal Mother’s Heart. Pay Dat Forward!

How is this for some goddamn mind boggling bullshit. The curious case of a mouse fetus donating stem cells to help repair its mother’s heart. That’s some altruism right there, if I ever seen it.

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Scientists Create Light Out Of Nothingness. Your Turn, Lazy God.

I’m going to be upfront with you. My caffeine-soaked, ADHD-riddled brain can’t take the time to truly comprehend the mechanics of this post. Especially at the time of day that I’m writing this. All I know is that the headline is fucking awesome, and gives me a geek boner. Light. From nothing.

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World’s First Lab-Grown Hamburger Could Be Here By Next August.

Neuromancer, Blade Runner!, hear my prayers. Soon I’ll be able to mow on some vat-grown flesh just like the good protagonists of both worlds. Oh my cyberpunk dreams!, they’re coming. Coming true.

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