MIT Creates Smart Sand That SCULPTS ITSELF. Threshold Crossed, Man.
MIT is doing some straight-up wizard shit. They’re programming sand. Sand! To take shapes. This is so goddamn awesome.
Video: Interactive Poster You Can MAKE OUT WITH. Windex, Please.
Welcome to the future, motherfuckers! Weird as hell, right here. An interactive poster that you can make out with. As you zoom in, the babe or dude (ostensibly, c’mon and do it for us all here whacky programmers) will “react” to you. My question: why is the creeper leering in with their eyes open?
Hit the jump for video and details.
The April Fools Day Asteroid Came Closer Than F**king Expected
Did you know about the April Fools Day asteroid? I sure as fuck didn’t. I didn’t know about it when it was considered no big fucking deal, and I doubly didn’t know about it yesterday when it passed far closer than anticipated.
Newly Discovered EXOPLANETS Are 13 Billion Years-Old. Big Bang Levels Of Old.
A mere 375 light-years away lurks the star HIP 11952 and its two planets. These days exoplanets are a dime a goddamn dozen, but these two are a bit on the special tip. Using their brain-cannons to calculate and tabulate, people smarter than me have dated these two pigs at nearly the same age as the Big Bang.
More Evidence That Life Came To Earth First From COMETS. Space, Man.
Every sci-fi geek has at some point contemplate the idea that life on Earth was brought to the Blue Marble by some outside force. Be it Martians or mayhem. Now there’s new evidence to support the idea that a comet got this whole funny fucking thing called human existence started.
VIDEO: NASA’S ‘Perpetual Ocean’ Animation is Trippy Ocean Current Bliss
NASA is getting their trippy on with this animation. It depicts all the ocean currents rocking out at once, and we the viewer get to bask in their science. I’m personally doing so in my underwear, mowing a cold can of Campbell’s Chunky soup. You continue on NASA with your wizardy, I’ll continue seeing the bar low for us geeks of the world.
Pair Of Secret VAN GOGH Paintings Revealed By High-Energy Radiation. Science Swag.
When I’m a famous writer (I know, it’s never going to happen) I’m going to embed a discarded novel in the buried digi-bytes of a rudimentary and trite story. I will also discard this novel on a USB drive in a sewer somewhere. If this story about Van Gogh teaches me anything, it is that in a hundred years or so both will be discovered to the acclaim of all.
Wait — Could Giant Asteroid VESTA Be A PLANET?
Pluto is going to be fucking heated, yo. Not
only has it been demoted to a dwarf planet, but now there’s talk of an asteroid being a planet. An asteroid! A fucking asteroid.
Hypervelocity Planets Are Leaving Our Galaxy At Warp Speed. PEACE.
These planets have the balls-out ride of the cosmos. After getting too close to the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, they’ve been flung the fuck out of the galaxy. Beasted!
ASPIRIN Stops The Spreading of CANCER. We All Look Surprised.
My girlfriend works in a field where she regularly deals with impressive science wizards who gather to discuss their attempts to stop diseases. My general refrain is “when are these dudes and dudettes going to actually cure something?” I’m a reductive fuck, I know. Now I have some more ammunition. These goon-wizards are performing their little miracles while the obvious cure has been on a shelf at the nearby pharmacy. Aspirin.