
Saturn’s rings formed in a violent event less than 100 million years ago, which is sort of gnarly

saturn rings 100 million years ago

How long has Saturn had its rings? Not as long as we fucking thought, apparently. AstronomerWizards have concluded they originated from a violent event, somewhere between 10 and 100 million years ago.

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Space Swoon: Saturn’s Rings In Gorgeous Detail

Check out Uranus contrasted against the rings of Saturn


Spa-spa-spa-space! It’s not without its humbling glimpses into the perspective of It All. Here’s a pretty sexy image snagged by Cassini that features Uranus against the rings of Saturn.

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CASSINI crosses Saturn’s Ring Plane. MAGIC TRICK occurs.

a magic trick bruh

How about dis sheeeeeet? Cassini is rocking out, all gobbling up pictures of Saturn and shit when WHOOSH the goddamn rings disappear. Now you’re thinking what I’m thinking. The rings are techno-organic nano-bots that are operating as a hive mind. They’ve been activated, and now are en route to Earth. Close. We’re close. You see — actually we’re not close. It’s a matter of perspective.

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Saturn’s Rings Are Slicing Titan’s Throat.

Enlarge. | Via.

That’s Saturn’s moon, Titan. Straight chillin’, balancing on top of Saturn’s gorgeous rings. Sort of. The powers of perspective, summoned! Consummated. But what is really interesting is how fucking thin Saturn’s rings are. Something I don’t really stop and contemplate. Well, I don’t contemplate much, but that’s obvious.

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