‘UNCHARTED 4’ game director leaves NAUGHTY DOG for Riot Games. Exodus++
Sweet Jesus Christ, seems like every big name game director-producer-creative-mind is leaving their post. Mayhaps the Big Budget Grindfest Windmill of Corporate Pressure’s juice ain’t worth the squeeze for many anymore. The latest departure is the Talented Bro Guy who was running Uncharted 4‘s existence.
Lead ‘WORLD OF WACRAFT’ designer has joined Riot Games
The lead dude behind World of Warcraft has joined Riot Games. You may know The Rioting Gamers as the company who has created that League of Legends game. Which is like — way huge. But I don’t really know about it. You see, I’m old as shit. Once you get me past Super Mario Worlds 2D, I’m pretty much useless. I do know that Warcraft World game though. Took the better part of my twenties. Just drinking Dew, rotting my brain, and jacking off furiously between raid wipes. The good old days.
Wait, what is this post about again?