
NASA’s Mars Rover captures stunning “Marathon Valley”

goddamn goreuzs!!

No big whup. Just a goddamn glorious view of the Red Planet.

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MARS CURIOSITY back to active status after two days in ‘safe mode.’ Rise, Rover. Rise!

Panorama of Mars.

You can’t keep a Mars Rover down. The little Johnny-5 (that is how I picture it, okay?) has risen out of the ashes of two days of safe mode. Blast it with cosmic rays, it’ll just take a nap for a few days. Now the little nuclear-powered fucker is ready to continue tilling the Red Planet for all of us.

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‘HOT MARS THEORY’ suggests Red Planet never had chance for life. RUINING EVERYTHING.

Rad Bradbury says fuck you!, Hot Mars Theory. Such a theory that is putting forth that our glorious Red Brother never had the chance for life. Pshaw. Plant some trees, exert some cosmic will, and wish for the best.

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