
The Teaser Trailer For ‘The Avengers’ From Captain America Gets Its Own Teaser. Wait, What?

The teaser trailer for ‘The Avengers’ that followed Captain America was short, insubstantial, and arousing. Marvel has released a teaser trailer  online for that teaser trailer. A bit maddening, no? Do yourself a fucking favor and just go see Captain America. It’s fun enough. Should you decline, you can check it out this teaser for the teaser after break. But be foreworned: the clip they’ve included it in also has the last minute or so  of First Avenger. However, this clip also contains no spoilers for anyone who has ever heard Captain America’s story.

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‘The Avengers’ Hulk Will Be Leaner, Look Like Mark Ruffalo. Slow News Day!

Now that Thor and Captain America have graced the big screen and pumped our nerd glands, all attention can turn to the upcoming Avengers flick. I want it, I want it so desperately. Heaving chest, panting, pained. The wild card of the flick is the Hulk, being played for the first time by Marky Ruffalo. Is third time a charm? What the funk is he going to look like?

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Variant Covers: Little Boys, Tight Shorts, and Alan Moore.

Another week, another batch of Variant Covers. The comic book column where I give a cursory glance at release lists and tell you what I’m interested in. I encourage you to share your own most desired of picks, cause I have poor taste, a limited attention span, and I’m always looking to try something new.

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Marvel To Retailers: Destroy Unsold ‘Flashpoint’ Titles, Get Rare Variants.

Marvel is bringing back their Comics for Comics campaign, this time waging war against Flashpoint. Retailers can strip covers from unsold copies of Flashpoint and exchange them fora  wowie-kazowie rare Fear Itself #6 variant by Ed  McGuinness.

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The Dark Knight Rises Trailer As Done By Insane Taiwanese Animators.

Next Media Animation is responsible for a constant flow of absurd depicitions, but they’ve outdone themselves here. Their own take on The Dark Knight Rises trailer features: Batman puking in love with Catwoman, Bane beating Batman’s ass in a Wal-Mart after Batman rings him up, and more. It’s magical. Insane. Insanely magical.

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Full Concept Art Poster For ‘The Avengers’, Groin Swell Assemble!

As you probably already know, Marvel released a bunch of concept art this weekend for The Avengers flick, which culminates in a pretty righteous looking panorama. Should you have been daft enough to miss it, hit the jump to check it out, as well as the individual pieces.

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Jim Lee Explains Superman’s Relationship Status In The DC Reboot. Hint: Hairy Palms.

Jim Lee is tacitly acknowledging that which we already know. Much like in  Moonlighting, The Office, and Marvel’s own Spider-Man, it’s the chase of the relationship with Lois Lane by Clark Kent that gets our krypto-rods shimmering. The pursuit is everything! He does so in recent comments, where he explains Superman’s single status in the DC relaunch.

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‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Teaser Trailer, True Believers.

It’s the week where the teaser trailers simply refuse to quit. The latest one is the teaser for the good ole Amazing Spider-Man.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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Marvel Announces ‘Season One’ Graphic Novels, DC Laughs.

Everyone just needs to calm the fuck down. We got DC and Marvel renumbering the shit out of everything. We got the DCnU. We got DC last year launching a line of graphic novels that would be “retellings” of their characterss origins in modern society. Which sounded a lot like Marvel’s Ultimate universe. Well now Marvel, who created the Ultimate universe to do such a thing is…following DC’s lead. How about a line of graphic novels for the youngins’ to snag and be able to understand the universe right away. Right? Meh!

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Variant Covers: Reality Is A Special Effect!

Variant Covers.   Column giving the rundown of the week’s comic releases. Trite, super-personal and irreverent. Share your finds, friends.

I’ve been sick lately. For the past five days my life has consisted of scraping the existential paste out of bed, nodding somewhat coherently as I teach, and napping. Fitful, sweaty naps. The sort of naps that could fill a Gatorade bottle and whose flopping fiction could power a small town.

I have not slept. I cannot breath. I am here though. When there’s a dance you have to show up. Do your courtesies and press your fleshes.

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