
‘Borderlands 3’ confirmed to be Gearbox Software’s next game

Borderlands 2.

I have been patient. Coming up on four years patient for a proper sequel to one of my favorite games of all time, Borderlands 2. As a reward? Nothing. Silence. A crappy spin-off game. And silence. But that is about to change, I guess. Borderlands 3 has been confirmed to be Gearbox’s next game. And while I don’t think the game will be arriving anytime soon, just to see it acknowledged, just to see it acknowledged as coming gets me excited.

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No Duh: ‘Borderlands 3’ happening, being made exclusively for next-gen

Borderlands 2.

Borderlands! My fucking favorite. And this really isn’t news per say, but I’m going to be excited about Randy Pitchford confirming that Borderlands 3 is really happening. Like duh! But let my dong go swole.

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‘Borderlands’ Non-News: Gearbox recruiting for the next game


Listen. If I can cop to Star Wars non-news, I can admit that this shit is not news as well. But I fucking love Borderlands, and I want a proper third installment almost as badly as I want a fourth Fucking Fallout (and Mass Effect).

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‘BORDERLANDS 3’ isn’t being made right now. F**ks**ta**

Borderlands 2.

C’mon, Gearbox Software! Fuck you, fuck your new IPs. You’re not working on Borderlands 3 right now? You need to. Don’t misunderstand me. I need you to. It keeps the glue in my blood-brain barrier from dissolving, which will let the omni-slugs into my rotting-piece.

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WUT: More ‘BORDERLANDS 2’ DLC coming. Shoot & Loot 4-Eva.

Borderlands 2.

Holy mung, sign me up. There is more Borderlands 2 DLC in the works. I had thought (and I don’t think I’m alone) that Tiny Tina was the last installment of DLC for the franchise. Turns out, it was the last installment for the season pass. Well shit. Looks like whatever comes out next I will have to pay for, but I don’t give no shits.

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Gearbox Software CEO: I can’t believe gaming industry hasn’t copied ‘BORDERLANDS’ yet.

Randy Pitchford is shocked that no one in the gaming industry has copied Borderlands yet. Now that you mention it, so am I. It’s like Diablo, only first-person stylee. It’s like Diablo III, but good. In fact, the sequel is my most desired title of the year. Get it! get it!

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Gearbox Boss Calls ‘WII U’ A “Really Nice Bridge” To Next Generation. LOL Cripes.

The head honcho of Gearbox Software has opened up about the Wii U and did a good job of pulling its pants down while trying to give it a compliment.

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