
Found: The SNES PlayStation Prototype. Of things lost and imagined


Back in the day, Nintendo and Sony had teamed-up for the PlayStation. A collaboration that would bring disc-based games to a Nintendo system. But that shit didn’t pan out, Nintendo lost all their third-party support (for the most part) to the PSX, and the rest is history. Not lost to history, though. ‘Cause someone has unearthed a prototype console of this fabled machine.

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‘WIPEOUT’ developer Psygnosis is closed for good. MORE CHILDHOOD DEATH.

Fuck, yo. Not a day after I find out that Nintendo Power has head its throat meet blade, news drizzles out that Sony has pulled the rip-cord on developer Psygnosis. Them sons and daughters a bitches were responsible for many an hour of Wipeout back on the day.

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