
OMEGA-CAST #7: Don’t Call It A Comeback!

Woof! Like five fucking months since we cut the last podcast. Like two weeks since we recorded this new one. Listen, I work with assholes. What do you want with me? That’s neither here nor there. On the podcast: butt play, the console wars, Bateman’s gastric band, Thor, bathroom breaks, Smaug, swearing, caffeine, Star Wars talk (of course) and more.

Let’s fucking do this!

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Sony has announced PlayStation Now, which will allow you to stream PS1, PS2, and PS3 games to all sorts of fucking devices. Tablets and your PS4, your Television, pretty much insanity.

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Bungie’s ‘DESTINY’ gets an OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE next September.


Bungie’s Destiny finally has a hard release date. Seriously. Go ahead. Bite it. Your little bone-protrusions will give before the date does. Ouch, right? The bad news? The game ain’t dropping for a good, long, while.

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The PlayStation 4 is Sony’s fastest selling console of all time. Moving mad units! Crashing their PSN like a motherfucker. I have to admit that this surprises me. I’ve sort of anticipated that despite all the positive buzz for the console, the XBRO would run over it none the less. It still may. But this is a great start for the company’s new Big Bad.

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Monday Morning Commute: The loneliness of the long distance space-ship pilot.


Hey friends. Straight-up static here on Space-Ship Omega. My life has been crazy lately. Frenzy. Frenzied! Busy. And all this madness taken me away from the controls. What about the rest of the crew? Great question. I’m not supposed to tell you this, but Rendar Frankenstein has left the ship. Yup. Quietly departed during a movie night. Whilst you were all entertained by the Team Omega’s sweded version of They Live, Frankenstein grabbed a null-grav suit and fluttered away to a local exoplanet. Pluto? Staring in the mirror puffing his bubble pipe while blathering about the impermanence of pop culture references and stroking his non-existent beard. The Dude? Johnny Hotsauce? An arm wrestling match that’s been going on for nineteen days. Bateman? Triple bypass.

Just me. And you. Aboard the Space-Boat. Here is what I’m using to kill my loneliness.

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Monday Morning Commute: Nanobots In The Digi-Air

Monday Morning Commute.

Don’t breath too deep, friends. You see, they’re done with the fluoride in the water. That’s the old tip. They’ve moved on. Now it’s the nanobots. In the air. Infesting our cortex-bits. Prepping us for the ultimate in meta-data. Meta-cognitive data. Don’t breath too deep. Don’t breath at all, if you can help it. Reject the need for oxygen. Has anyone ever really shown you that you need it? If you didn’t believe you did? Eh? Oh — me? Off my meds? What is it to you, buster? Fuck you! No — no. Please come back. Partake in this here column. Monday Morning Commute.

The watering hole where we share the various arts we’re indulging on a given week. While we can. Before they activate nanobots.

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Almost that time of the year again. Where I buy the latest Call of Duty, ride the zeitgeist of our Rotting Times, and secretly hate myself.

Here’s the gameplay launch trailer.

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For the Players!

Oh man, this video. I can feel the winds of time brush over me as I watch it. As someone who has consistently owned a PlayStation product since buying his PSX on launch day, the little retrospective simultaneously amps me for PS4 while making me nostalgic for some Battle Arena Toshinden.

Jump into the time machine after the jump.

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Monday Morning Commute: It’s More Of A Fringe Science


Welcome, friends. Welcome to the Space-Ship Omega’s weekly column, Monday Morning Commute. Within these walls, I, the captain, and you all will share the various arts and farts that we’re interested in during a given week. The foci are generally said arts (and poots!) that are upcoming, but feel free to share past-dalliances that are on your dome-piece as well.

Time is of the something!

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Press Start: Panic-Delaying the Next Generation


I feel like I’ve just emerged from another womb; a womb of my own creation, fitted with a plasma screen and an XBOX 360: filled with the stench of my own self-loathing and regret. Yeah, I’ve been playing a lot of GTA V lately, so much so that I forgot I had a duty to talk shit about video games and pontificate like you all gave one. Despising myself as I was, but conveniently blaming GTA V at the same time, I was surprised to find out that the game hadn’t just fucked up my life, but the industry as a whole.

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