
First official ‘PLAYSTATION 4’ controller and camera pics. Tech swag.

The controller.

Herein, I shall be fetishizing the newest PlayStation gadgetry. I imagine rubbing the components up against my naked skin. Hardened, painfully taut nipples of mine manipulate the analog sticks with uncomfortable dexterity. All the while, the camera watches. All the while. The camera watches.

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Playstation 4 announced – My Orbis is tickled; is yours?


Sony has unveiled their next-generation platform at today’s much anticipated Playstation meeting event.  You can guess the name they went with.

In a two-hour event live-streamed through every major media outlet, the new console, its UI, its core features and its first games were shown off to the world for the first time.  Let’s get to all the meat unveiled today.

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Newest PLAYSTATION 4 RUMORS: Out this November, controllable by your phone.

PS4 controller.

‘Cause why wait until tomorrow’s actual reveal? Here are a few of the newest rumors. Release date, price, little snazzy ways to control this sumbitch. Also, I’m curious. How much are you folks willing to pay for this bad larry?

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Report: PLAYSTATION 4 will totally be able to stream PS3 games. Oh, neat.

Say it ain't fucking so!

The PlayStation 4 is going to capable of something I find to be a rather interesting technological feat. It’ll be capable of streaming PS3 games from the internet. Hey! Wow! Now, you know what would be even more neat? If the system just fucking allowed me to play my own PS3 games on it. (A luxury that no next-gen system is going to offer, apparently.) Anyone have a slushy groin over this news?

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Rumor: PLAYSTATION 4 is straight ditching the DUAL SHOCK

Muwahaha! Fuck you, and your controllers.

Well, shite! Who needs a tried and true controller layout, when a company can roll the dice on shoehorning some sort of shitty LCD screen onto a controller? Fucking no one! Sony is upping their game by downing their game, and the rumor has it they’re being led by the nose into altering their classic controller.

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Rumor: PS4 to restrict used games. GameStop stock responds by crapping its pantaloons.

GameStop makes a lot of its money off duping scrubs like me into giving them my used games, and flipping the piggies for something comfortably close to the original price. If Sony has its way, this entire ecosystem of fanboy and fangirl exploitation is going to dry up like a motherfucker. Naturally, this has sent GameStop into a panic. You can find it running in circles, proclaiming the end of doom. Follow the  shouts until you find the man clad in horse skin, mouth slathered with gravy.

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Pseudo PS4 Gets Built Based On RUMORED SPECS, Subsequent Results Worthless.

It must be fun to rock out at a gaming magazine. You can just do things to…do them. The crew at  Official PlayStation Magazine UK built a “PS4” based off of the rumored specs, ran a few games on it, and then dismissed the results as meaningless. Wait — what?

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Bethesda Now Hiring ‘Future Generation Console Programmers’, IT’S COMING

Ain’t no purpose denying it no more. The next generation is slowly walking into gaming’s party. Sauntering in through the side door. The signs are everywhere! The latest one is none other than Bethesda hiring programmers for the next cadre of gaming consoles.

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Report: Ubisoft Working On Xbox 720 Projects For 2012, Major Sony Dev Moving To PS4.

The current generation of consoles is drudging on, and there are more and more signifiers than they are soon to be surpassed. But no!, no screams my wallet. But yes!, yes! screams the graphics whore in me.

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Sony Confirms It’s Working On Next Console. Golly Gosh!

With Wii 2 news carving up the video game websites like a mo’fuckah, I suppose it was only time until Microsoft and Sony were all like “Yo!, we’re totally making new consoles as well! Love us, worship us, fiddle our knobs. Please!” That’s exactly what the CFO of Sony did today.

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