
Report: The High-Powered PlayStation 4 will be revealed Sept. 7


I will buy this high-powered PS4. ‘Cause I’m a sucker. I will know what I’m buying next month, when Sony will reveal said high-powered PS4.

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Sony confirms ‘PlayStation 4.5’. Not showing at this year’s E3, no release date announced


Sony has gone ahead and thrown us an obvious bone, acknowledging the existence and upcoming (sometime!) release of a more-powered PlayStation 4.

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Report: Sony’s ‘PlayStation 4.5’ to be announced before ‘PlayStation VR’ launch

PlayStation Mania.

Whelp. I hope you weren’t one of those beautiful people who expected the PlayStation 4k rumors to be bullshit. ‘Cause if anything, the pseudo-new-console is coming more and more into focus.

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