
Private Asteroid Miners launching their first space telescope. FUTURO++

Planetary Resources.

Asteroid Miners? FUCK YEAH. Space telescope? FUCK YEAH. YEAH! DRINK DEEP THE FUTURO-SPACE SALVE. Maybe humanity isn’t doomed! Or maybe this is just another form of humanity dooming itself through private enterprise. Depends on your perspective, ideology, and philosophical underpinnings. I suppose.

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LET’S CROWDFUND A F**KING SPACE TELESCOPE. Asteroid mining company turns to Kickstarter.


Planetary Resources Inc is turning their eyes towards us, folks. They want us to help crowdfund a space telescope that they intend on using to look for asteroids to mine. Should you choose to help out, there are all sorts of bonuses. Unfortunately, none of them are a perk which allows you to find your own space asteroid, and crown yourself king of it. Ala motherfucking Magneto and shit. Drats. None the less, you down?

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Official. JAMES CAMERON and GOOGLE Unveil Asteroid-Mining Plans

Ah, we’re living in the future indeed. It’s official. It’s official! James Cameron, Google and a gaggle of other wealthy individuals-institutions-whatever are taking us asteroid mining.

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