
Weekend Open Bar: Beyond The Impossible!


This is Weekend Open Bar. The weekly invitation to come and hang out, share what you’re doing the next couple of days. What you’re eating, drinking, smoking, playing, reading, et cetera. Et cetera.

It’s week two of the Empire’s descent into Trumplandia. I’ve been struggling to make sense of how to behave in the face of such gravity.  The best I can think of, is to simply continue persisting. To continue doing things like typing up the Weekend Open Bar.

As a hero of mine opines, the most “daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.” So so I persist, here, at Weekend Open Bar. Week after week, inviting likeminded folks to spend time together. Week after week, offering likeminded folks a space-oasis in which we can pass the time in good nature together.

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