
BRIAN WOOD teases NEW COMIC following in the footsteps of ‘NORTHLANDERS.’

Brian Wood.

Northlanders died too young a death because you assholes were too busy buying the Civil War: Infinity Crisis 2: Secret Legion tie-ins to support the fledgling little Vikings comics. I spit on your corpse for that! But perhaps I shall find eternal peace now, a stoic repose, because Brian Wood seems to be hinting at a comic that shall follow in its footsteps. Sans Vikings. Or something. Fuck ya’ll.

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Brian Wood ain’t done with Viking tales even though ‘NORTHLANDERS’ is over. Praise Thor.

Northlanders getting axed was a kick to my he-clit. Not the sort of lovely one that follows me being tied up by my Jennifer Lawrence clone, and prior to the candle wax on my nipples. An unsolicited one. It is good news for me then, that Brian Wood intends on continuing Viking stories after the first Universe ended.

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Variant Covers: Only Assholes Think Superheroes Really Die.

As I type this, I’m sipping some cold suds. Non-alcoholic mind you, it’s a work night. Birdies blather from green trees outside the window, and I perspire from the warm Summer air. It’s a bit of a pleasant time to be inhabiting Spaceship Earth, alongside the Eastern seaboard of the Northern Americas. Life is good. To compliment all of that, the installment of this week’s funny books drops tomorrow.

Here’s what I find interesting hittin’ shelves.

Let me know what you’re feigning for.

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‘Northlanders’ Canceled By Vertigo. I Am A Sad Viking.

This is seven shades of bullshit smashed into a can of failure Motherfucking ‘Northlanders’ by Brian Wood and a litany of extremely talented artists such as Becky Cloonan has been nixed by Vertigo due to poor sales of the trades. I am awash in a raft of sadness, floating across a sea of hate. We’ve all failed guys. Failed.

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Images & Words – Northlanders #35

[images & words is the comic book pick-of-the-week at OL. equal parts review and diatribe, the post highlights the most memorable/infuriating/entertaining book released that wednesday]

How does it feel to be abandoned by those once thought of as family? What life can be led when the shadow of death looms overhead? Is losing all purpose liberating, allowing an individual to take chances otherwise thought foolish? Just how much would it suck to be an old dude in a Viking village?

These are the questions raised in Northlanders: The Girl in the Ice.

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Monday Morning Commute: Crossing The Rubicon, WITH VIKINGS

You know what! I had some niceties written out at the beginning of this opening, but Lord Electricity butt-fucked me without consent! Not a slow one, not a kind one, a vicious butt-drubbing. There was some sort of power outage and when I returned to the Electronic Tubing Ways, everything was deleted! Deleted! I have been felled by Lord Electricity!

What the fuck would I do without Lord Electricity? I resent how I must supplicate to him, offering him all my souls and orifices. For I need him, Lord Electricity, and the power he gives us, allowing me to employ various gadgets and happenings. My lord giveth, my lord can taketh awya.

Monday Morning Commute. Every Monday I’m going to detail the various things I’m either currently or will be watching, reading, playing, and listening to in the next seven days. It’s Monday. You’ve got a long week of school, work, or compulsive masturbation to get through. Tell me what you’re diggin’ on to get through the drudgery.

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