
‘Star Wars’ Non-News: ‘Rebels’ could cross over into live-action movies


Wait. Wait. Wait!!! You’re saying one hot Star Wars property could cross over into another one? In a time where persistent, connected Universes make every Pop Culture Film-Media Czar’s genitals drip? You don’t say!

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‘The Force Awakens’ Japanese Teaser: Recut Fanboner

‘The Force Awakens’ Non-News: Original Cast Trailer in May

Film Five Most

YEAH BOIII! Straight to the dome with the WHITE NOISE OF STAR WARS NON-NEWS. Did you miss Rotting Flesh Monster Faced Mark Hamill in that first Force Awakens trailer? Or Princess Leia? Or Han Solo? Well, temper your tits. They’re coming this May.

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‘Episode VII’ Non-News: Flick has one action scene shot in IMAX

star wars

BEEN A FUCKING MINUTE, EH? I’ve been ruining this site with so much Marvel Movie Coverage that I almost went a week without talking about my other site-ruining obsession. Star Wars. Well don’t celebrate yet, Non-Existent Readers. ‘Cause we got ourselves some Episode VII non-news.

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