
Nintendo Announces Legend of Zelda: The Skyward Sword, My Sword is CERTAINLY Skyward


Fuck yeah! I knew that my Nintendo Zelda and Mario Player would eventually give way to a new Zelda game for me to play.

via kotaku:

NIntendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto demonstrated the game, showing a control scheme using the Wiimote and Nunchuk as Link’s sword and shield.

The game takes advantage of Nintendo’s Wii MotionPlus Wii Remote add-on. Players use the A and B buttons on the Wii Remote, and the C and Z buttons on the Nunchuk. Realistic motion control action take care of the rest. So, for example, target enemies with Z, and swing at any angle to slice and dice.

When players hold Link’s sword up to the sky, players can charge it up with solar energy and then throw sun beams at enemies – hence, the game title of Skyward Sword.

In the game’s HUD, the Wii Remote appears, telling players how to use items, check the map and swing the sword. To use the slingshot, players aim the Wii Remote and tap the A button to shoot.

The game appears more realistic and in that way in the same vein as previously Wii Zelda title Twilight Princess; however, the game is lighter and more vibrant.

To use the in-game bombs, tap the B button and raise the Wii Remote to throw.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is slated for a 2011 release.

Hell to the fucking yes, yo. I am so sold. Having just finished Super Mario Galaxy 2, I was wondering how many months would it be until I actually booted up my Wii again. Apparently in 2011, for Zelda. And I’m cool with that.

Link Is A Man Of A Zillion Tricks

Stop Motion Super Mario Is Paper Ownage

Super Stop Motion Man!

[via: oh have you seen this?!]

Some peep or group of peeps went through the trouble of animating a stop motion paper Mario running around a classroom for all of our enjoyment. No, seriously. It’s amazing. Old school Mario + nostalgia + talented geeks = community win!

Monday Morning Commute: Bootyin’ Poppin’ Goodness

Don and Betty

And the seven thunders uttered! How the fuck is it going? Are you happily ensconced in your cubicle? Are you like me, with a pile of short stories to read, and a paper to write? Are you a single mother at home, on your ninth bag of Doritos and early awaiting today’s episode of Oprah? Are you stoked? Pumped? Ready to feel the burn? What are you looking forward to this week? This month! Tell me. I yearn to know. And for your underpants. Just saying.

Monday Morning Commute. Every Monday I’m going to detail the various things I’m either currently or will be watching, reading, playing, and listening to in the next seven days. It’s Monday. You’ve got a long week of school, work, or compulsive masturbation to get through. Tell me the arts that you’re indulging in, to stave off suicide.

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What Is Super Mario’s Caloric Intake? That Fat Bastard!

Leap It Up, Thunder Thighs

How much does Mario fucking eat? How much does that fat fucking plumber gorge himself on, day to day? It was a question posed to me by ‘Bones a couple of days ago. I was playing some Super Mario Galaxy 2, and he came down into the Dungeon to give a “What’s Up?” and generally panic about one of his students finding him on Facebook.

During the course of watching my manipulate Mario into roughly three-thousand leaping jumps, backflips, and running something like nineteen miles, the thought struck him: how much does this guy eat? I mean, consider how much running around and general exercise gets! It’s ridiculous. All that bullshit, and he’s still got a gut that makes you go “God damn!” And it’s not like he’s just benching the bar, either. Dude is capable of flinging Zillion Ton Lizards into the air like it ain’t no thang.

So what’s up, Mario?

The guy has to be on some sort of linebacker diet. You know, twelve-thousand calorie wunderkind daily ingestions. He’s the only guy I know that can scale perilous death obstacle courses, and still have to sit down to tie his shoelaces. It’s okay though Mario, big is beautiful.

LOST: The Video Game For My NES? Uh, Yes!


[via all games beta, click to enlarge]



Mario Gets Thug As Fuck In Street Art

Thug Lyfe

[source: sugoi via gamovr]


Famitsu Super Mario Galaxy 2 Scans = UH, WITTY COMMENT GET

Super Mario Scan Galaxy Stuff

[via all games beta \ click images to enlarge]

Yeah, more and more Super Mario Galaxy 2 shit keeps dropping. These screens are win. Let’s see, we got Slave Master Mario riding his dino-servant, 2D goodness, and other odd and bizarre tropes that somehow make sense in video games, particularly the Marioverse. Click the jump for the rest of the scans.

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Yo Link! Get Your Ocarina And Drop That Ass to Saria’s Song

Drop That Ass!

[via .tiff]

If you didn’t play Ocarina Of Time, you’re going to Hell. It’s in the bible. But that’s okay, HAIL SATAN.

Monday Morning Commute: Partying With Prostitutes

Hotel Room

I absconded to New York this past weekend for the second time in three weeks or so. This is me yawning with a greatness. ‘Twas a good time. My Significant Other and I were fitted into a hotel room suite replete with a kitchen, refridgerator and other fancy stuff. It was fantastic, even if I felt bad at living in such luxury. I’m the guy who feels bad when someone calls him “sir” or carries his bags for him. I want to be like, “Dude, no seriously. I’m a 27 year-old schmuck who lives with his parents and you probably are busting your ass for ungrateful people. Let me carry my own bag.”

As I said though, it was enjoyable. My girlfriend, being infinitely more successful than myself despite being 4.5 years my younger, is a tough one to corral for a day alone. Her schedule is voluminous and her drive remarkable, and I’m just a guy reading books. So being able to get away with her, even to the noise and din of New York City was great.

I tried my best to not hyperventilate over all the school work I wasn’t getting done while I was there. When I closed my eyes I saw syllabuses not being completed. I could hear the crackle of pages not being turned. Grad school. It’s turning out to be a real son of a bitch.

Monday Morning Commute. Every Monday I’m going to detail the various things I’m either currently or will be watching, reading, playing, and listening to in the next seven days. It’s Monday. You’ve got a long week of school, work, or compulsive masturbation to get through. Tell me the arts that you’re indulging in, to stave off suicide.

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