
Let Ryan Gosling Drive Your Getaway Car, Girl

Oh hell yes.

One of my favorite young directors right now is Dane Nicolas Winding Refn. Out the gate he wrote and directed the brutally beautiful Pusher Trilogy, which he followed up with Bronson. I was rather unimpressed with 2009’s Valhalla Rising – lengthy shots of nature doesn’t equal “atmosphere” in my book.

But all is redeemed thanks to this two-minute clip from Refn’s first Hollywood outing: Drive. Premiering at Cannes this year, Drive stars Ryan Gosling as a professional getaway driver. Yes please. Judging by this short, tense clip, it’s going to be some really exciting shit and a worthy homage to classic car flicks like Vanishing Point and The Driver.

Watch the clip here and let’s pray this gets a big release.