
NASA has proposed a mission to Triton, Neptune’s largest moon. Let’s fucking go, yo!

nasa neptune triton mission

NASA wants to go to Triton, folks. It’s Neptune’s largest fucking moon. As well, it may hold liquid water, and even life. Now, I ain’t the budget officer, but I approve the fuck out of this.

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Unknown moon was in orbit around Neptune. The Cosmos always surprises, my dudes!

neptune unknown moon

Meet Hippocamp, motherfuckers! It is a previously-undetected moon in orbit around Neptune. And if that doesn’t get your tits glistening, I don’t know what will.

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Hubble Celebrates Neptune’s First Birthday.

Enlarge. | Via.

We’re all celebrating Neptune’s first birthday here on Earth. You know, since we discovered it. We have that habit, us humans. Deciding that when we find something that’s existed that it’s some sort of achievement. Anyways, to celebrate Neptune’s first birf-day, Hubble dropped some pictures to celebrate.

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Today Is The First Anniversary Of Discovering Neptune! In Neptune Years.

Happy birthday! Or something. Today marks the first anniversary of us intrepid human beings discovering Neptune. First anniversary…in Neptune years.

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