New Image of Moon Shows Astronauts’ Footsteps. So Rad.
(Click to enlarge.)
The above picture is g’damn outstanding. It’s a picture from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter showing the Apollo 12 mission in fantastic detail. To stop and contemplate this is a picture of a different body in space where man has been. And we can see our marks.
Video: Hurricane Irene As Seen From Space. Captured By Astronaut.
Hurricane Irene is currently on her way towards fucking up the Eastern seaboard and probably putting a goddamn tree into my car. She’s mean. Judging from this video taken by an astronaut, she’s also gorgeous. Mother Nature is friggin’ stunning.
Hit the jump to check out the video.
NASA Discovers Stars That Are Cool To The Touch. Well Done, Universe.
The Universe never fails to impress me. On the almost daily tip. Today we have cold stars. NASA has identified stars, called Y-dwarfs that are colder than the human body.
Sun Unleashes X-Class Solar Flare. Our Star Be Workin’ This Year.
You have to hand it to the Sun this year. It’s been acting up like nobody’s business. Well, except for ours I suppose. Today it set forth a gorgeous X-class solar flare. It’s scientifically proven that anything with an “X” makes it at least 100-times cooler.
Three New Dwarf Planets May Be Found Near Pluto. It Has Friends!
Pluto was downgraded to a dwarf planet, and everyone cried. Do not lament to hard. For not only was Pluto not the only dwarf planet when the Cosmic Canine was removed from planetary status, but now it may be getting even more friends. Discoveries abound!
NASA Launches Juno Mission To Study Jupiter.
Time-Lapse Shows Discovery As She’s Parked At The ISS, Orbiting Our Lovely Rock.
Well, there ain’t no more space shuttles to be had. Yet they serve as the gift that keeps on giving. Check out this latest example. The NASA Goddard Space Light Center put out this gorgeous time-lapse video. Behold Discovery as its docked to the International Space station, orbiting our Glorious Blue Rock. Set to some classic music, it’s pretty like woah.
Earth’s First Trojan Asteroid Discovered. Not A Condom, Nor A Horse.
Planetary Nebula Kn 61 Looks Like A Cosmic Soap Bubble.
Enlarge. | Via.
Check out Kn 61. It’s a planetary nebula that looks like those soap bubbles you can blow with those magical wands they sell at convenience stores and the like. Perhaps the Omnidimensional Creator had a son or daughter who was bored and it gave them the most enormous of soap bubble matter spewing wands. And thus Kronberger 61 was born. Or maybe it’s the remnants of gas that was sent into space by a dying star. I think I like my explanation more.
See NASA’s MESSENGER Bid Earth Adieu.
NASA’s MESSENGER is their mission to study the surface of Mercury. However back in 2005 as it hurtled away from good old planet Earth, it took a series of photographs. Intrepid researchers have since then stitched those photographs together to make a rather pretty farewell video.