NASA Considering Putting Astronauts On Far Side Of Moon. Sci-Fi Swoon.
Quick! What’s that part of the Moon where all the dope science-fiction stuff happens! Boom. You’re correct. The Far Side of The Moon. Buckle up, it appears NASA is considering sending some of us very own Erflings into that black hole of wonderment.
The Core Of NGC 6752 Is Cosmic Brilliance. Like, Bright And Stuff. Get It?
Check out NGC 6752, courtesy of the Hubble. Sexy son of a gun, no? At a mere 13,000 light-years away, it holds quite the sexy score.
NASA Probe Reveals The ‘Atmosphere’ That Surrounds Our Solar System. Rad.
NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer, or IBEX, has spent four years tilling about at the frayed edges of our solar system. What has the son of a bitch found? Some really interesting things about what comprises our solar system’s “atmosphere” and theories about its formation.
Hit the jump for more.
Witch Head Nebula Is Colder Than A Witch Nebula’s..Oh Forget It.
Check out the Witch Head Nebula. At first I couldn’t see it and then it was all like g’damn! Blasted me square off the tits with its similarity to some witch I had a run-in with at a bar one-time in downtown Salem. Really mess affair involving cauldrons and steaming pairs of dungarees.
Wait, so what is actually going on here?
This Supernova Is Missing Its Cosmic Companion In The Oblivion Waltz.
Take a drink in of that glorious supernova. Pretty swank, no? Gaze into the tempting eyes of solar systemtic oblivion. I’m just making up words, but roll with me! Roll with me, and feel for this supernova, which seems to be missing its companion star. Frown time!
Video: Two More Tattooine-Like Planets Orbiting Binary Stars? Force-Swoon.
There was a Tattooine-like planet discovered last year that orbited two stars. Swag! It was thought that this planet was something of an oddity, but apparently there’s a lot more Binary Sunsets occurring throughout the galaxy than previously first thought.
NGC 6946 Is The Face That Could Launch A Thousand (Space) Ships! Lit Puns!
Check out NGC 6946. Gorgeous spiral galaxy that faces us directly, and is located a mere 10 million light-years away. Start swimming!
Starburst Galaxy IC 10 Is Pretty. Shiny.
Maybe it’s because it’s late as fuck as I’m typing this and it’s dark and I’m cold and I’m pretty sure my own Star has turned its back on me, but this image is striking a chord with me. I mean, goddamn. Look at that picture. Look at *all* those fucking stars.
Milky Way Galaxy Is About To Get Fed, Yo!
The hulking black hole at the center of our galaxy hungers. Why? ‘Cause Galactus hangs out there. Or not. Yet it needs to be feed. Pretty soon it’s going to get a glorious gas cloud to mow on.
The Dumbbell Nebula Gets Me Pumped For The Cosmos. Get It?!?!
Check out the Dumbbell Nebula, and peer into a look at what shall become of our Sun. Discovered through Science! and uh, Intrepitude! That’s a word. It’s a word.