
The Sun’s Furious Sunspots Look Like PINK SPHINCTERS OF DOOM

Listen. We can pretend to be adults, or we can admit that these righteous sunspots look like a goddamn pink sphincter of Armageddon.

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Infographic Depicting Every Manned Space Mission Is Cosmic Win

Between 1961 and 2011, the U.S. rocked 166 manned missions into space. This sexy infographic summarizes the glory of the days when we Dreamed in one tight package.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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IMAGE: How Big Is A Neutron Star Compared To Brooklyn?

NASA has answered the question I never dared to dream: how big is a neutron star in comparison to Brooklyn? How many hipsters can we fit in its core? (I made that one jump)

Hit the jump for the comparison.

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Dust Devil On MARS Shows The Red Planet Looking Lively

Check out that there picture up thurr. Woah. Syntax+grammar vomisplosion. Anyways. That little spectral goody is nothing more than a dust devil wandering about the surface of Mars. A concept, which when thought about, is actually pretty cool.

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Oxygen Discovered Around Saturn’s Moon Dione. Spacegasm ++

Man, Cassini keeps paying dividends. According to a new report published in a fancy pants science thing journal, the spacecraft has detected oxygen around Dione.

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NASA Lost A Laptop With Unencrypted Space Station Codes. Cold War Heats Up!

Don’t pay any attention to the last half of the headline. It’s just my Cold War-obsessed brain making something more interesting out of the fact that NASA has exercised their rocket scientist brilliance by losing a laptop. Chock full of unencrypted space station secret info stuff.


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Astronomers Discover New Class of Exoplanet: The Waterworld. Space Fist-Pump.

The Kepler mission has kept us space zealots in writhing moments of euphoria for a while now, but this one is a doozy. Courtesy of its All-Seeing-Eye (listen that’s how I imagine it, okay) they’ve discovered a new class of exoplanet: the waterworld. Insert easy jokes.

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Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1073 Is Long-Distance Sexiness.

NGC 1073 is a pretty, barred spiral galaxy. It’s also a bit of a hike. Planning on visiting it? It’s going to take you 55 million years. After you master travel at the speed of light.

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Merope’s Reflection Nebula Is Mirror Image Of Beauty. Get It? Rimshots. Everywhere.

Check out  Merope’s Reflection Nebula. Looking all pretty and the such. Wouldn’t you know it though, it’s a parasite. Totally piggybacking on the splendor of a nearby star’s light.

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Saturn’s Moon Enceladus In High-Res Wunder-Detail.

The Cassini orbiter snagged a gorgeous picture of Saturn’s moon Enceladus back in January of last year. Fucking stunning. Hit the jump for some details on the picture, and try to remember: this is a real moon that is really floating relatively close by. So rad.

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