Mars rover fires its laser, totally lights up a rock. It’s for science, people. And fun.
Ain’t nothing wrong with mussing around a little bit on Mars. Curiosity has deployed its laser, teaching a dumb Martian rock about the strength of human prowess. Or at least how much we like blasting things with phallic lasers.
NASA pulls off a 350-million mile software update. Mars ain’t nothing!
NASA doesn’t fear distance! Nor space! Those dreaming fools have updated Curiosity’s software. No big deal, it was only a 350-million mile jaunt from Earth to Mars. Just another day in the life of those space-wizards.
Perseid Meteor set against the Milky Way-filled sky. Space porn.
I wish I was rocking out in this particular portion of Germany. The night sky be all filled up with Perseid meteors, set up against a cuddly portion of the Milky Way. Ain’t it quite romantical? Just me and my cardboard cut-out of Jennifer Lawrence, gazing into the Universe. Her ignoring my hand on her bubub, ignoring the red wine I’m spilling all over myself. Peace. Tranquility.
Interactive app lefts you explore MARS yourself through Curiosity.
Goddamn amazing. Living on Earth got you down? When we’re not destroying the environment (whether or not you believe in Climate Change, we’re pretty impressive dicks to the Blue Marble), we spend the time fighting one another. Get the fuck to Mars if only virtually through this app that lets you explore the Red Planet through a panorama of Curiosity pictures.
Pow! Two galaxies throwing down in eternal headbutting contest.
These galaxies ain’t getting along. Ain’t getting along at all. The two of them are colliding, in a billions-of-years dance of death. Eventually they will reconcile their differences, to forge an uber-galaxy capable of bodyslamming anything in its way and acting way rude in bars.
NASA’s CURIOSITY rover makes it safely onto Mars. Everyone drink!
I know this is late news in the wunder-deluge that is the internet churn cycle, but fuck it I want to celebrate. NASA’s Curiosity rover has touched down safely on the Red Planet. Fuck yes.
SATURN’S MOON IAPETUS got itself some pretty gnarly avalanches.
You think you’re surfing the gnarly waves of crystallized water stuff here on Erf, brah? Think again. Saturn’s moon Iapetus is where all the legitimate skier people are going. We’re talking avalanches like a mofuckah.’
NASA hires SCENT CHEMIST to recreate the smell of space for us leadfooted bastards.
I didn’t know that space had a smell. Nor did I know there were such things as scent chemists. Now these two newly divulged existences are coming together. Praise be.
Virgin Galactic’s FIRST SPACE TOURISM FLIGHT Launching Next Year. I am Jelly Incarnate.
Goddamn, if I was a millionaire. Next year Virgin Galactic is launching their first space tourism flight, and I’d love to be up on that.
NASA Releases New Picture Of MARS, It’s So Gorgeous I Want To Weep.
No need for words. Drink in this picture. It’s Mars. That’s the planet Mars. Stunning. Oh, all right. NASA provides some context.