Space Swoon: Jupiter’s Giant Red Spot gets a gorgeous close-up
As a meat-bag, my giant red spots and blemishes are decidedly not cool to look at. As a gas giant, Jupiter’s giant red spot is a sight to behold.
Hit the jump to check it out.
NASA has found evidence of 10 new Earth-sized planets with conditions for water
NASA has found 10 new (as in newly found, not out of the package) Earth-sized planets. But wait, there is more! These planets sport conditions ideal for water.
NASA finds planet-sized cyclones on Jupiter. Space is absurd, dude
NASA’s Juno spacecraft is doing work, reporting back about Jupiter. One of its more dope findings? Jupiter has cyclones. The size of planets.
Space Swoon: Cassini Captures Saturn’s Hexagon
Check it out! Here Cassini captures Saturn’s hexagon in all its glory.
NASA detects the conditions for life on Saturn’s moon Enceladus
NASA is teasing some potentially enormous (ENORME!) findings on Saturn’s moon, Enceladus. Like, you know, the conditions for life.
Space Swoon: Hubble Captures This Hybrid Galaxy In Its Glory
Ain’t a spiral galaxy. Ain’t a lenticular galaxy. It is a gorgeous one, though.
SpaceX Planning To Send Two People Around The Moon Next Year
SpaceX has been approached by two obviously rich as fuck private citizens, who want to be sent around the Moon. And! The good, kind, cosmos-capitalist company has agreed, with plans slated for next year.
I’m jealous. Very jealous.
NASA Has Discovered 7 Earth-sized Planets 40 Light-Years Away
NASA has dropped the boom on their teased discovery. Seven Earth-sized planets 40 light-years away. Three in the habitable “Goldilocks” zone. Everyone is understandably excited about this news, so let me be a downer. 40 light-years away is more than enough distance for us to never get there, especially since we got like 100 years left on this rotting formerly Blue Marble.
NASA Announcing A “Discovery Beyond Our Solar System” Tomorrow
News! Big news! Aliens, it’s gotta be aliens, right? Oh man! Exciting. Sort of. Until you realize we’re destroying ourselves at a fantastic rate, and even getting *out* of this solar system is nearly impossible for us. Man. Really brought down the vibe in here. But, but still, I’m excited.
NASA Wants To Send Lander To Europa To Detect Life
NASA is fixing to send a life-detecting lander to Europa! Hey, detect that life, folks. Cause god knows how much longer we’re going to have it here, right? Too morbid? Too morbid!