Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg Call ‘THE WORLD’S END’ A ‘Sci-Fi Comedy’, I Call It Awesome
Yes, Wright and Pegg. I will take more news about The World’s End. Just keep the details coming.
Robert Pattinson Reuniting With David Cronenberg For New Film; Long Live The New Muse?
Robert Pattinson has barely finished off his first collaboration with Sir David of the Cronenberg, but he’s already tapped to hop back into the cinematic ring with him. I assume this means their time on Cosmopolis went well?
Yeehaw! Here’s some Dark Knight Rises character posters! Rise! Meow! Break backs! Et cetera!
‘THE MASTER’ TEASER CLIP Finds Joaquin Phoenix In A Spellbinding, Violent Role
Dios mio, today is the day of teaser clips. The latest and most anticipated one for yours truly is from The Master. I can’t wait for this next flick from P.T. Anderson, and even though I’ve been riding it for a while I really haven’t given much thought to Joaquin Phoenix or his role in the movie. That ends now.
‘ANCHORMAN 2’ TEASER TRAILER Dares You To Cream Your Pantaloons.
Here’s the teaser trailer for Anchorman: The Legend Continues. It wants you to cream your pants; I suggest you acquiesce. It feels good, you know?
‘SKYFALL’ TEASER TRAILER: James Bond Doing James Bond Things.
This teaser trailer for Skyfall is pretty much in line with everything I’ve come to associate with the Daniel Craig Bond films. It’s gorgeous, with a smattering of explosions and sexuality, and not really clear in terms of plot. I can’t wait.
WATCH: Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone Singing About Spider-Man; Already Better Than Movie.
I ain’t excited for Spider-Man but I do enjoy Andrew Garfield. And Emma Stone? Goodness me, yes. Here is a clip of the two of them belting out some nonsensical jam about the Spider-Parker with an adorableness that I suspect won’t be found in the film. Haters gon’ hate. I’m a hater.
‘SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR’ Gets Release Date; Alba and Rourke Confirmed.
Wee! The Sin City Hopes You’re Not Tired Of Its Visual Motif train continues onward! Into the sky! Into infinity! Into theaters next October! Oh, look at that segue. The touch. The power.
Wachowski’s ‘CLOUD ATALAS’ Screened At Cannes, Is Almost Three Hours Long.
I have no clue what the novel Cloud Atlas is about. No damn clue. Everything I know about it has been derived from reading news reports about the Wachowski’s adaptation of it, and all these news bits tell me its a bit of an unwieldy tome. So I’m not surprised that the pig is coming in at nearly three hours. The good news? It may actually deliver.