
‘Mortal Kombat’ Red Band Trailer: I can’t tell if I hate this shit or not.

The trailer for the new Mortal Kombat has dropped, and I have no idea if I fucking hate it or not. Undoubtedly, it’s got some of the classic iconography that makes my dick stiffer than one of Sub-Zero’s victims. (That’s an awful pop culture reference, and if you enjoyed it, woof.) At the same time, isn’t this franchise supposed to be fun? It’s a patently idiotic franchise, and that’s what makes the games (and the original movie) so dope. The whole grim dark posturing going on this trailer is pretty ass, and antithetical to the heart of the franchise.

But, you know how it goes. It’s got classic characters doing their classic shit, and people are marks for that sort of pablum.

Where do I fall? Again, I really don’t know. Genuinely.

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