Space Swoon: Saturn’s Moon Mimas Dwarfed By Its Rings
Here’s a gorgeous shot of Saturn’s moon Mimas. If you squint! If you squint, you can see it. ‘Cause this moon is dwarfed by the enormity of the planet’s gorgeous rings.
Saturn’s moon ‘Mimas’ may have subsurface sea
Say now! Saturn’s moon Mimas may have a subsurface sea? OUR OWN FUCKING SOLAR SYSTEM IS RIFE WITH INTRIGUE. Mark that shit down. Oh, the Kupier Belt, boring? Oh, the Oort Cloud, boring? Oh Jupiter, big whup?! YOU DON’T EVEN FUCKING KNOW. (Also, just ignore all qualifiers in the article. Like “probably” and “might” and especially the “more likely” — they will harsh your excitement.)