
Space Swoon: The Milky Way Galaxy over the Devil’s Tower

Devil's Tower.

Fuck, yo. If nature ain’t a real fucking gorgeous son of a gun. And goddamn if it doesn’t chap my ass that I can’t get out to places with the necessary lighting to peep me a look at the Milky Way Galaxy. It seems that luckier, more talented people will have to continue to bring me looks.

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Space Porn: The Milky Way as viewed from the International Space Station


I say goddamn! If we can’t get up into them there Inter-national Space-Stations, at least they are doing us some solids. Sending back gorgeous pictures like this one. The Milky Way Galaxy straight bulgin’, the cosmos waving hello.

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The Habitable Zone.

Kepler is always doing work! On its galactic grind. Crunching numbers. The latest calculations bound to blow out your space-bunghole is the finding that one out of every five sunlike stars has a planet the size of Earth.

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Eskimo Nebula.


Yeah, I don’t know. I’m not one to besmirch William Herschel and everything, but I’m not seeing an Eskimo when I look at this image. It’s neat as shit, but an Eskimo? Ehhh. Who knows. Smarter minds than mine, et cetera.

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NASA: Our SOLAR SYSTEM has a friggin’ TAIL.

We have a fucking tail!

I say goddamn! Now our solar system is yet another entity I’m in love with that has a tail. Them fucking tails are so seductive. Like, great for balancing. And sticking into input units and shit. Wait — it isn’t a literal tail?

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Behold the Galaxy Cove.

My lordy, this is a gorgeous image. Taken by Rogelio Bernal Andreo, it depicts the Milky Way Galaxy as seen from a secluded park in none other than California.

For the full image and more details, hit the jump.

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Gas Cloud Colliding With Our Galaxy’s Black Hole Next Year. Take That, Mayans!

Pah, Mayans! Pah! Our Existence will not be ending this year. No, no. Instead I’m pretty sure we’re going to be felled by a gas cloud colliding with the black hole in the center of our galaxy. I can sense it.

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Milky Way Galaxy COLLIDING With The Andromeda Galaxy…In 4 Billion Years. Can’t Wait.

I’ve read before about the gnarly collision that is destined between our own home galaxy and that sliding son of a bitch Andromeda. Unfit to let our eventual collision be left as a burden on other homo-martian-neptunians, NASA astronomers have decided to let the world know.

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Astronomers Have Figured Out True Color Of Milky Way Galaxy. No Rly.

I didn’t know we hadn’t tagged the color of the Milky Way Galaxy. I always figured it was a gorgeous light chocolate brown with a…oh fuck it that joke sucks. Seriously though, I didn’t think we were puzzled by it. Well, we were! Now!, now we’re not.

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Check Out Our Gooey Galactic Center! A Mere 26,000 Light Years Ago.

Check out our gorgeous galactic center. It’s funny that NASA drops this image on us today, because last night I was marveling at the under-appreciated fact that we can see our galaxy in the sky if we gave a gander. Look around you, folks! Around you!

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