Behold Megan Burns’ Space Babes In NYC.
Up until yesterday, I hadn’t heard of Megan Burns. Thanks to the internets and io9, I am now educated. Knowledge has been acquired. Education implemented. Burns is an artist and is putting on a show this weekend in NYC that celebrates something everyone involved in Omega Level fucking loves: pin-up space babes art. You live in NYC, unlike me, and could actually check this awesomeness out? Here’s some deets:
Burns’ paintings will be featured alongside the neon alters of Pavel Kraus in “Ancient Sci-Fi Update,” at The Proposition, which is at 2 Extra Place on New York’s Lower East Side. The opening reception is today (Jan. 22) from 6 to 8 PM, and the show runs until Feb. 27.
Go to the show. Go to her website. Show the love.