
Finally: Marvel titles now give Jack Kirby creator credit

Jack Kirby

It’s about goddamn time. Jack Kirby is finally getting creator credit inside Marvel titles. This is following last month’s nebulous, somewhat undefined announcement that Kirby’s family has settled with Marvel.

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BORING: Benedict Cumberbatch is Marvel’s Doctor Strange

Benedict Cumberbatch

I wish I could tell you how many unfucks I give about this doubleplusungood casting. He’ll probably be adequate, but I’m sick of his face. And out of all the purported contenders he’s the least interesting choice. THE MYSTIC GAME IS AFOOT, TWATSON #yawn.

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Marvel teasing new ‘Civil War’ comic event. All refried everything.


The fuck? First Marvel reveals that next year Secret Wars is making a comic book event comeback. And now Marvel is teasing a new Civil War event? All the old events! Redone! Spit-shined! For our enjoyment?! Ehhh. Though I have to say this sort of makes sense in a SUPER FUCKING SYNERGY sense, since the MCU seems to be building to some form of Civil War. But still.

Hit the jump for the promo image and details.

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Revealed: Logo for Marvel’s ‘Daredevil’ show on Netflix


Is this news? Probably fucking not! Am I a Marvel fanboy? Absolutely! And what does that mean? I’M GOING TO FUCKING TALK ABOUT THIS! *Rips off shirt, revealing painting of Kevin Feige on my chest that I cultivated from my own feces.*

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Ethan Hawke now rumored for ‘Doctor Strange’ lead

Ethan Hawke

Apparently nailing down Joaquin Phoenix for a Marvel role is fucking impossible. Dude was rumored to be rockin’ Banner back in Avengers. Didn’t happen. Now it appears weird-but-righteous-dude ain’t committing to Doctor Strange. This has led to this latest rumor, which purports that the studio is kicking the mystical tires on Ethan Hawke. Offering him the lead and shit. Well then.

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Marvel and Jack Kirby’s family have settled their eternal legal dispute

Jack Kirby

In something that is currently “still really fucking vague” and “filled with buzz words”, it’s been announced that Jack Kirby’s family and Marvel have settled their legal dispute. Whatever that means.

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Marvel’s ‘Inhumans’ movie further along than previously thought


Inhumans is coming! Inhumans is coming! Marvel’s done it right, man. Slowly building up the fantastical elements of their cinematic universe. From a guy in a robot suit to a fucking talking raccoon, all of it was laid down progressively. Now, with the Tree and Homicidal Raccoon firmly entrenched in many people’s hearts (hi!) it makes sense that Marvel is going to push the cosmic even further. Why the fuck not? They’ve seeded the ground well enough.

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Marvel snags ‘Amazing Spider-Man 4’ vacated release date. Laughs to themselves.


Marvel ain’t playing, BRUH. Over the weekend they announced a fucking avalanche of movie release dates, but they ain’t done. Not at all! With Sony moving around their Amazing Spider-Man release schedule today because the Franchise Ain’t Well, Marvel snagged one of the newly opened dates. While they, no doubt, were laughing at Sony and its inability to do anything as well as them.

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RDJ on ‘Iron Man 4’ is pretty much like, “If it doesn’t suck, I’m in”

Tony Stark

You know, I thought RDJ was pretty convincing last year when he made it seem like he was getting out of the Iron Man game after Avengers…3? But at the same time, my cynical thought was “If they kiss his ass and throw truck-fuck-loads of money at him, he’ll return.” It seems that my cynicism will win out.

(Or is it pragmatism?)

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Marvel announces all their f**king release dates through 2019


Looks like if Justice League: Ain’t Nobody New In Town doesn’t want to compete directly with Marvel, they won’t be able to claim release date ignorance. The House of Ideas has dropped their Cinematic Schedule straight through fuckin’ 2019. Goddamn, 2019. I’ll be bald, fat, wedded, prone to leaky nipples, and probably have a kid. The future is going to be fun. But it’s also going to be fucking terrifying.

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