
Magnetic field on Mars pulsates at night. But, we have no idea the reason!

mars magnetic field pulse

This week’s cosmic head scratcher in the news comes from within our own solar system. Apparently, the magnetic field on Mars pulsates at night.

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Ancient meteor strike on Mars may have caused planet-sized tsunami and prove there once was an ocean in Northern hemisphere

ancient meteor tsunami mars

Got a lot going on in that messy fucking headline, no? Let’s break it down. A gigantic crater on Mars has some scientists convinced there was an ocean in Mars’ northern hemisphere. Additionally, the impact that caused the crater may have caused a planet-sized tsunami.

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Space Swoon: Mars sports a gorgeous crater from a recent impact

new crater mars

Yo! Check out this gorgeous-ass crater on Mars! New, too! The impact is from the last three years, apparently.

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Mars has massive amount of water frozen beneath its North Pole. Can we go there, yet? Please?

martian north pole water

I say g’damn! Scientists have identified a massive amount of fucking water frozen beneath the Martian North Pole. How much, you ask? Well if it were to melt, it would submerge the entire planet.

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Mars got some gnarly landslides at volcanic plains called the Cerberus Fossae. This entire headline fucking rules!

mars landslides

Mars! Got itself some fucking volcanic plains! And some fucking landslides! Man, I’m down for all of this.

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China is launching its own Mars probe next year. Fuck yes, all of us, get to the Red Planet!

china mars probe

China is launching its own Mars probe next year folks, and I’m torqued. I don’t give a single fuck what nation gets our asses locked into the Red Planet. Rather, I just want us to get there.

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You can now check the daily weather on Mars. Science fucking rules, no?

mars check weather

Thanks to NASA’s Insight Lander, we can now check the daily weather on Mars. While it may seem a bit superfluous, it’s a reminder that we out here doing dope shit in space.

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Space Swoon: Check out the layered history of Mars! Bask in its evolution!

mars layered history

As NASA explains, the history of a planet’s geological history is seen through its layers. So, check out this image of the Red Planet’s layers, and ergo its history.

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Mars Express orbiter snags gorgeous image of the Korolev Crater which is filled with pristine ice all damn year long

korolev crater mars

Man, check out this goddamn gorgeous image from Mars. FROM. MARS. Of the Korolev Crater, which is filled with flawless ice. All goddamn year long. Space. It fucking rules.

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NASA has dropped the first sounds ever recorded on Mars. Amazing.

nasa first sounds on mars

Man, it can seem gloomy here on Earth. Stuffed into the material plane. But, every once in a while something dope comes along. Case in point? NASA has dropped the first sounds ever recorded on Mars.

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