
Space Swoon: Martian Landslide is perfect for that Bouldering Life

Martian Landslide

The first of the year is rapidly approaching. That means that many people are going to pray to Those That Don’t Exist (or not) for the resolve to Shed Mass and Attain the Body That Won’t Get (myself included). One the many hip ways people are choosing to get slender these days is rock climbing, and Mars is aware of this. It’s got itself a nice landslide full of boulders for you folks. So get climbing!

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Ticket To MARS For Only HALF A MILLION? Head of SpaceX Says Word.

I want to go to Mars. I’ve oft mentioned that if we ever put one of us lead-footed mostly-simians onto that Red Planet I’m going to be weeping all over the televised (into ours skull-o-vision) broadcast. Now go there? My god. I can’t even contemplate it. According to the head of SpaceX I could be swinging such a dream for only half a million. Time to start rubbing some fucking pennies together.


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