
MARK MILLAR and other good souls take down an online bully douche.

Despite being woefully offensive in his comic blatherings, Mark Millar seems to be quite the solid dude. He recently joined forces with the Power of the Internet to fell some malicious online douchebag.

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Joe Carnahan confirmed to direct Mark Millar’s ‘NEMESIS’…well, that’s f**king disappointing.

Joe Carnahan has gone from that delicious Daredevil sizzle reel last week to directing Mark Millar’s Nemesis. That disappoints the shit out of me. Going from a really interesting take on the Man without Fear or Eyesight to adapting Millar’s utterly dog shit derivative shock value pile of insulting vomit. Oh well. I suppose I can just rewatch The Grey.

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Teaser For Mark Millar’s Comic ‘SUPERCROOKS’

Directed by  Nacho Vigalando, I have a feeling this teaser for Mark Millar’s comic Supercrooks  is going to be more entertaining than the rag itself. This is the comic whose tagline is “There are too many superheroes in America, let’s go someplace else”, confirming that every thought Mark Millar has on the crapper is now a movie-ready franchise.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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Mark Millar and Frank Quitely Team Up For ‘Jupiter’s Children’. Okay, I’m Pumped.

Just yesterday at the Funny Book Palace as Rendar and I were snagging new comics I got into one of my Millar rants. Condemning his shock-value bullshit and everything he’s turned into while simultaneously stating I couldn’t dismiss the backlog that made me fall in love with him. Mentioned I loved his run on The Authority with Quitely, and goddamnit now they’re teaming up again.

And it excites me.

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Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons Team Up For ‘Secret Service’. What A Waste Of Gibbons’ Talent.

Dave Gibbons is a fucking legend. Mark Millar is a guy who used to write good comic books but now is generally a sensationalist self-fellating fucking idiot. A couple of years ago their teaming up would have excited me, now I’m just hoping Gibbons will make some good money out of this.

Hit the jump for info on this bullshit.

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Matthew Vaughn To Adapt Mark Millar’s ‘Superior’. Insert My Disdain.

Matthew Vaughn ripped it up this summer with X-Men: First Class, and his hankering for comic book adaptations hasn’t subsided. He’ll be adapted Mark Millar’s pretty uninspired and schlocky Superior  next. (Yeah, fuck you Millar.)

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Grant Morrison Lights Up Mark Millar In New Interview.

Listen. I’m a Grant Morrison fanboy. Listen. My distaste for The Being Inhabiting Mark Millar is well known. So it’s pretty obvious that I’m fucking biased, but hearing Grant Morrison explain that Mark Millar cost him his faith in humanity is awesome. It comes in an interview promoting his forthcoming book, Supergods. Which I didn’t know excited. Fuck now I’m excited.

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Mark Millar Says Superhero Movies Aren’t Flopping, Better Than Ever.

Mark Millar used to write comic books. Now he pens bullshit that he wants to turn into movies. He is clearly interested in superhero movies not going all Dinosaur on the cinematic landscape, and so with reports coming out that superhero flicks are dying he penned a rebuttal.

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Mark Millar Leaves Marvel To Do Solely Creator-Owned Work. Whatevs!

Oh I’m getting snarky now! Mark Millar was a favorite writer of mine for a long, long time. His work on The Ultimate, and Old Man Logan will forever go down as cherished stories of mine. Recently though, he’e been focusing on creator-owned titles, and frankly I find them all to be crappy schlock. With all this emphasis has come a weakening of his Marvel swag, and my love for his present material has decayed.

He’s leaving for only creator-owned work. This could cut two different ways.

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Images & Words – Superior #3

[images & words is the comic book pick-of-the-week at OL. equal parts review and diatribe, the post highlights the most memorable/infuriating/entertaining book released that wednesday]

I’m not going to lie: I’m blasting out this review as fast as possible, pausing not for revision. Grammar is out the window. Structure can kiss my bung. And I’m not even sure whether the content is going to be coherent.

But it’s Christmas Eve and I have to travel about, sharing good tidings and celebrating life. You need to do the same, I’m sure. So let’s cut the foreplay and just get to the deed.

The comic of choice for this week is Superior #3 by Mark Millar and Leinil Yu. This funnybook, still in its incipient stage, is essentially a reimagined, superheroic rendition of Big: Simon Pooni is a normal kid until multiple sclerosis wreaks terrible havoc on his body. Visited by a space-monkey in the middle of the night, Simon wishes that he could become Superior, the star of his favorite superhero film series (and a clever Superman analogue). Waking up as Superior, Simon flees to his best friend Chris’ house, and the pair decide that Simon owes it to himself to give the comic book lifestyle a chance.

The third issue of Superior sees Mark Millar giving artist Leinil Yu a script he can run train on. There’s nothing tricky about this pitch, Millar underhands a fat whopping meatball that Yu smashes into oblivion. Yu gives us wonderful, breathtaking images of the ridiculous action we’ve come to expect from Millar: space stations crash-landing in metropolitan areas, train-wrecks, submarines being dragged out of the water and so on. Moreover, Millar’s introduction of reporter Madeline Knox and his setting of action at a beach gives Yu an excuse to try his hand at documenting the female form. While I usually have some major issues with gratuitous cleavage shots and impossible curves, I can see why mouthbreathing fanboys might hide a copy of this book under their mattresses.

From start to finish, Superior #3 fills every page with over-the-top action sequences. Seriously, I can see see Yu being used as a visual consultant for Hollywood’s popcorn adventures. Visually, this comic won’t disappoint.

While Superior‘s plot doesn’t advance too much in this issue, enough happens to make it worthwhile. As Madeline Knox (the aforementioned reporter) narrates from the future, we realize that this series is operating as a flashback. We can also infer that some major shit is going to go down if Knox is taking the time to reflect on the events. We are also teased with the idea that Ormon, the wish-granting space-monkey, may not be as benevolent as originally thought. Simon, wondering aloud, asks Chris how he came to get his powers:

Well, I prayed every night that my multiple sclerosis would go away and Mom was always praying that America would get fixed again too.

So what if that magic wish was the answer to both our prayers? What if Ormon was an angel?

Did he turn me into a superhero because America really needed one right now?

With such a productive day under Simon’s belt, the reader is left feeling optimistic. But then the page is turned, and we’re left with Ormon and his troubling thoughts:

An angel? That’s hilarious.

I’m afraid I’m actually quite the opposite.

Oh a shit. A demon? A goblin, a ghoul, a zombie with no conscience? Whatever he is, he lost about seven cute points. Muthafuggah.

Maybe I’m getting a bit saccharine in my old age, but I’m also on board with Superior because of its protagonist’s more Earthly woes. There’s nothing more heartbreaking than a sick kid, wishing that he could just be normal. That shit straight-up sucks. But how awesome is the feeling of seeing that same ailing child given the opportunity to feel good?

I’d say it’s a superior feeling.