
‘Kingdom Hearts 3’ is coming out in 2018, which means it’s currently 12% finished

Don’t fucking trust Square release dates, just don’t. Not after the last decade, not after Final Fantasy 15. However, furthermore, don’t fucking trust Square to release completed games even when they meet a release date, just don’t. Not after the last decade, not after Final Fantasy 15.

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‘Kingdom Hearts 3’ Trailer: Combat and comrades upon Mount Olympus

Man! This combat trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3 looks cool, but *insert stale but well-deserved comment about not playing the game until 20XX, when it will finally be ushered out as a half-baked, broken title*, right?!

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‘Kingdom Hearts 3’ getting a ‘Big Hero 6’ world when it is released. In 20XX.


I’ll believe Kingdom Hearts 3 when I fucking see it. Go ahead and tell me any litany of worlds in this “game”, it don’t mean shit to me until the game goes old.

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‘Kingdom Hearts 3’ E3 Trailer: Overwrought Disney Philosophy Coming In 20XX