NASA has extended its Jupiter mission by three-years. Juno ain’t got time to die (yet)!
NASA, much like my wife, ain’t done with its largest, gassiest giant. Not yet, at least. They’ve announced they’re extending the life of the Juno mission by at least three-years.
Space Swoon: Time-Lapse video of Juno’s flyby of Jupiter
Space. Is. Awesome. Here’s a time-lapse of NASA’s Juno spacecraft flying by Jupiter.
NASA finds planet-sized cyclones on Jupiter. Space is absurd, dude
NASA’s Juno spacecraft is doing work, reporting back about Jupiter. One of its more dope findings? Jupiter has cyclones. The size of planets.
Space Swoon: NASA’s Juno spacecraft speeds towards Jupiter’s North Pole
NASA has just flown a spacecraft closer to Jupiter than ever before. The Solar System’s bulwark (seriously, big bastard eats so much space debris so we can not be obliterated so we can watch reality shows and attack one another with horrible, horrible mad-made weaponry, so uh, thanks?) is getting a thorough examination, courtesy of the Juno spacecraft.
NASA’s Juno spacecraft has successfully entered Jupiter’s orbit
Yeah, boy! Juno has successfully entered Jupiter’s orbit. The spacecraft sent a message a mere 540 million miles across the solar system to let NASA, and you know, the rest of us know.
Space Swoon: NASA’s Juno spacecraft’s last shot of Jupiter until it’s in orbit
NASA’s Juno spacecraft is powering down in preparation for its insertion into the gas giant’s orbit. Whatever may come of this attempted insertion, Juno has left the world with one final snapshot of the planet.
Space Swoon: NASA’s Juno spacecraft nearly at Jupiter
I didn’t know about NASA’s spacecraft, Juno. Or that it was damn close to Jupiter. But now I’m aware of both factoids, and eagerly excited.