
Video: ‘Movie: The Movie’ Is Star-Studded Semi-Humorous Hollywood Back Patting

You’ve heard about the video already, no doubt. Jimmy Kimmel drummed up pretty much every actor in Hollywood for a 9-minute trailer for Movie: The Movie. A deconstruction of every shitty Hollywood trope by the cadre of actors who perpetuates them. It’s pretty funny, but I can’t help but feel like everyone involved is just so totally happy with themselves for making it. I’m projecting. I know.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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Video: Parents Tell Their Kids They Ate All Their Halloween Candy. Howling INC.

Jimmy Kimmel asked parents to tell their children they ate all their Halloween candy and tape their reactions. The results are fucking fantastic. Reveling in the over dramatic tears of the young? While conscious I would have been one of those blubbering messes? check.

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Harrison Ford Bitches Out Chewbacca On Jimmy Kimmel.

Harrison Ford ripped into Chewbacca last night on the Jimmy Kimmel show. It wasn’t the most humorous skit I’ve ever seen, but it was nice to see Ford actually acknowledging his Solo roots. Earring still needs to go.

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