Finally: Marvel titles now give Jack Kirby creator credit
It’s about goddamn time. Jack Kirby is finally getting creator credit inside Marvel titles. This is following last month’s nebulous, somewhat undefined announcement that Kirby’s family has settled with Marvel.
Marvel and Jack Kirby’s family have settled their eternal legal dispute
In something that is currently “still really fucking vague” and “filled with buzz words”, it’s been announced that Jack Kirby’s family and Marvel have settled their legal dispute. Whatever that means.
Casey, Farinas, Dalrymple, collection of other artists relaunching Jack Kirby comic ‘Captain Victory’
I say New Gods, yes! Joe Casey and a fucking squadron of Beast Mode artists are intent on relaunching a Jack Kirby classic for Dynamite Entertainment. I’ve never checked out the Kirby original, but jeepers is this endeavor stacked with talent. As Lenny Descartes says in Django The Slaver Slayer, “first I was eating pineapple, but now I’m excited.”
JACK KIRBY DANCING. Dude Is Boss Mode Eternal.
It’s Jack Kirby dancing. All that talent and the motherfucker could cut a rug, too. Seems almost unfair.
Marvel’s Making An ‘Inhumans’ Movie.
Don’t fret, True Believers. Marvel’s bin of possible comic book adaptations is never, ever going to run dry. Why, just today it’s been discovered that they’re bringing the fucking Inhumans to the big screen.
Jack Kirby: Storyteller
Today I watched a sick Jack Kirby documentary by Paul G Baker. Some of comics most well-known creators weigh in on the man who far too often resides in the shadow of Stan Lee. If you have any interest in the history of comics, superheroes, or the far-reaching effects one man can have on a medium, watch this feature.