
New “Cloaking Device” Creates Hole In Time And Space. Futurism ++!

Scientists have successfully hidden an object in time and space. Nietzsche is like “Wait, maybe it’s time God is dead!” and I’m like “Aww, yeah!”

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Scientists Getting Closer To The Invisibility Cloak! Lock Yo Showers.

The invisibility cloak is one of those things that probably should never come into being. Unlike that Potter kid, I don’t think we’re going to use it to stomp around a musty-ass old school. No sir. No ma’am. More likely people like Solid Snake are going to use it to sneak into the bedrooms of important people and put a snap into their neck. And then stare at the deceaseds’ wives and husbands as they shower. Unknowingly.

This deadly apparatus for booby-staring and neck-snapping is getting closer. Closer I say.

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