Weekend Open Bar: He’s Got A Wife And Kids!
Welcome to Weekend Open Bar. The column at the end of the Internet, and Work Week, and Conceivable Limits of Good Taste. Within these Wide Walls we saunter up to a round table at the heart of the Space-Ship. And there we unwind with musings about the weekend: what we’re eating, what we’re thinking, what we’re watching-reading-playing. Gifs and giggles and gregarious behavior.
Monday Morning Commute: Lowdown Sisyphus Up-Rock
Monday, motherfuckers. Another day at the beginning of another week. For those of us on the M-F Grind, Monday heralds yet another blitz through the whirling blades of the Existential Gauntlet. But fear not, friends. The Man has peppered our lives with another Meaningless Morsels to keep us just Fat, Happy, and Distracted Enough from pulling plugs and diving into stark abysses.
These are the Meaningless Morsels I’m enjoying this week. Please share your own.
‘Inherent Vice’ Trailer: A Glorious Drug-Fueled Detective Tale
I haven’t read Inherent Vice. Let me get that out of the way. I haven’t. I just haven’t. So if I’m way off on my upcoming assertion, yeah whatever. But watching the trailer for this flick, it seems like Paul Thomas Anderson by way of the Coen Brothers. And I mean that in the absolutely best way possible. Sign me up.
Paul Thomas Anderson x Joaquin Phoenix jam ‘INHERENT VICE’ dropping in December
Oh word? P.T. Anderson and Joaquin Phoenix’s next uber-collab is dropping in December? Well a fucking Merry Christmas to me, too! Said uber-collab-jam is an adaptation of Thomas Pynchon’s Inherent Vice. Which I haven’t read. So yeah.