Thanos’ motivation in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ will resemble ‘Infinity Gauntlet’ storyline. No shit.
Little bit of “no shit’ news to feed the slop-culture drone machine on this Monday. Did you know, could you fathom, that the storyline so obviously inspired by Marvel’s Infinity Gauntlet will feature motivations taken from, wait for it, Infinity Gauntlet? But, hey. I’m down to talk anything Infinity War, so here we are.
Monday Morning Commute: No, Donny, these men are nihilists
Greetings, friends. Nihilism is exhausting. But so is commuting an hour-and-a-half every day, both ways. Just sitting in my goddamn car, staring at the brake lights of the Fellow Fools in front of me. I dream of many things, during those hours upon hours of weekly gridlock. Of video games I am looking forward to playing, of movies I am looking forward to seeing. Comics, books, and other distractions.
The yank my corporeal form through the thresher, these distractions. They shove my reluctant soul through the Monday Morning Commute. One week at a time.
Weekend Open Bar: YAS YAS YAS
It’s the fucking weekend! It’s the fucking weekend! That means I don’t have to drive into the Frozen Hellscape that is Boston for two fucking days! It also means the Wife is returning from eight days of conferencing in San Francisco! Glory be to the highest, I’m so fucking ready for this weekend. And you should be too! Let’s celebrate together at the Open Bar! Drag a chair up next to me, consume your favorite chemicals, and share what you’re up to the next two days!
Rumor: ‘Avengers 3’ going to be split into two movies. Makes sense.
Avengers 3 is going to be a big, frothy, gushing, ass-clenching, vision-blowing climax orgasming out of the gooey guts of Marvel’s Pleasure Organs. The culmination of their entire cinematic endeavor so far. To the point where I’m wondering, “Where the fuck do they go from there?” So it makes sense that this flick will be two-movies, seeing as almost every “Trilogy” these days sees its final installment split into two.
This Image, Man: Josh Brolin rocking the Infinity Gaunlet hanging out with RDJ
Much like me fanjaculating about Mark Hamill’s beard, this isn’t really news. But it’s definitely the source of the uncomfortable fanboy pants-tightening I’m currently experiencing.