
‘THE BINDING OF ISAAC’ Has Sold 700,000; WTB Console Port

Ever since watching Indie Game: The Movie, I’ve become rather certain that I’m in love with Edmund McMillen. The brain behind Super Meat Boy and other titles has announced that The Binding of Isaac has moved 700,000 goddamn copies. Now if I could just play it on XBLA.

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Monday Morning Commute: Beyond the Grave


After being dead for ten months, it feels amazing to walk the Earth again. To feel the carpet beneath my toes, to bear hug loved ones, to booze in the fellowship of my ka-tet. These are the moments that the universe is pushing us towards, the acknowledgment of those simple pleasures that can only be appreciated when our spirits and minds are where they’re supposed to be.

`Cause let me tell ya, there’s nothing worse than being a poltergeist. I’ve been there. Roaming about, looking for a place to say, nothing more than a broken spirit relegated to brief appearances and disruptive dispositions. I’ve been that figure that people’re surprised to see, and not always pleasantly so.

It might be a perfect way to be dead, but it’s no way to live.


Welcome to the Monday Morning Commute! I’m going to show you some of the various ways I’ll be entertainin’ myself during the week. After scoping out my wares, it’s your task to make your presence known in the rumble pit known as the comments section. What movies, comics, beverages, albums, and activities are you lookin’ forward to rockin’?

Let’s do this!

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‘FEZ’ Finally Has A Release Date. Indie Game Arousal Time!

Fez  has been in development for a long, long time. Not Half-Life 3  levels of development, but fuck if that game actually exists. Gabe Newell has deleted two different completed games called Half-Life 3  from Valve’s hard drives. Just cause he can! While that fat bastard ruins our lives, Polytron shall bring some happiness to us in a very short time.

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