


Happy Fourth of July, folks. Nothing like fireworks, seared animal and simulated-animal flesh, and adult beverages to kick off this week’s edition of Weekend Open Bar. The column at the End of the Internet Universe. Where anything goes so long as it’s in the positive spirit of the Space-Ship. Get drunk, post embarrassing secrets. Stay sober, post what you’re up to over the course of the weekend. Throw GIFS at the comments section with reckless abandon.

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Monday Morning Commute: Red, White, and Nerd

The MONDAY MORNING COMMUTE is usually the spot where I share what I’ll be doing for entertainment in the following week. However, since today’s the Fourth of July I’ve got way too many beers, burgers, and illegal fireworks to enjoy. So in place a normal post, I’ve lazily found a bunch of videos that make me feel something about being American.

Enter hyperspace to see America at its arguably most American!

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