
‘John Wick’ TV show could feature Ian McShane‘s Winston, so like, make this shit happen

john wick tv series ian mcshane winston

Ian McShane‘s Winston could feature in that upcoming John Wick TV show, folks. And I’m torqued with good reason, as the dude chews up all the scenes he is in in the movies.

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Ian McShane has joined new ‘Hellboy’ movie and I demand we be excited

ian mcshane hellboy movie

Ian McShane’s performance in American Gods is definitely, and objectively the best performance on TV this year. Not only that, but yet yes, DeadwoodJohn Wick, and on and on. So, fuck to the yes, his casting in the new Hellboy movie has me torqued.

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‘American Gods’ Trailer: Either The World Is Crazy, Or You Are

This show looks fantastic. Though, I think it’s impossible for a trailer with Ian McShane in it to appear any other way.

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‘American Gods’ TV adaptation casts Ian McShane as Mr. Wednesday


I really enjoyed American Gods. But for the life of me, I cannot recall the character of Mr. Wednesday. Probably because I’ve only read the novel once, and that was a decade ago. Eons have passed. Brain cells have withered, popping out one by one by one under constant attack from caffeine and ennui. That said, I’m sure this is good news. How? I just am.

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‘Game of Thrones’ has added Ian McShane and Max von Sydow to its cast

game of thonez

Two pretty fucking respect actors have been added to the cast of Games of Thrones‘ next season. And while I don’t generally fuck with the show, I figure it’s worth covering. So let’s cover it!

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