
Humans are sending 3 New Rovers to Mars in 2020 to search for life. Let’s go, Martians! Reveal yourselves.

humans 3 rovers mars 2020

Humans are sending three new rovers to Mars in 2020. All in an effort to find signs of life. For fuck’s sake, which one of you rovers is going to step up?

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Kepler Scientists Find Weird Solar System Unlike Anything We’ve Seen Before. Humility ++

Deep space examination continues to improve in its accuracy, and with that it brings continual humility to our speculative asses. How many times do we have to say “oh shit we found something unlike anything we’ve previously thought possible!” before we grab the reins on our humanity swag and drink some humility.

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One Of Humanity’s Earliest Drawing Included Enormous Dong. Figures.

This shouldn’t be a spoiler alert for anyone who has spent a good amount of observing human history. We’ve always loved our dongs and she-dongs (internal dialogue, why is it a she-dong  and not a he-vag  you normalizing pig?). The proof is in the pudding. Or at least our ancient drawings.

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