
Buy These Flippin Comics!!! (10.09.13) – Battling Boy Edition

Battling Boy. 

You know the drill, peeps!  Hit the jump and lets get down to the nittiest of the gritties: Pull Lists.  I show you mine, you show me yours, we giggle and point like schoolchildren, we compare and contrast, and I do my damndest to hip you to the comics you SHOULD be buying this week.  Get clicky with it, because this week brings us some delicious books.  See you inside.

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MMC - Word.

Ohhh, it’s hotter than a mofuckah’ out there. (There being the Eastern Seaboard, Empire Proper.) How are you friends and foes of the site doing today? I hope you’re doing well. This is Monday Morning Commute. Ya’ll know how it goes down around these parts. Unless you’re an innocent passerby. In which case I say: RUN! But if you’re not going to run, I should probably explain it to you. Within these virtual walls, we explain what we’re up to this week. Share the arts, farts, and life activities carrying us through the next 24×7 hours or whatever.

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Cosplay: LADY DEATH is the inhumanly spicy look needed for All Hallow’s Eve.

This. Is. It just..Words. Things. I don’t even…Can’t. More after the jump.

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Cosplay: This gorgeous handmade ‘SKYRIM’ armor will have you in a fantastical swoon. Crap puns.

Goddamn. This Skyrim cosplay is taking it to the upper level. One could even say it was, wait for it, omega level. I’m all wilin’ out, dropping terrible puns and nonsensical blather. Business as usual. Anyways, anyways. This isn’t about me. It’s about this wonderful handmade armor.

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Cosplay: Stunning FEMALE COMMANDER SHEPARD From ”MASS EFFECT 3′ Is Almost Enough To Salve Wounds.

The same beauty that brought the cosplay world this Lizbeth from BioShock: Infinite  has struck again. This time cosplaying the female Commander Shepard from Mass Effect 3. Wowzers. I’m sold.

Hit the jump for some more looks.

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